Chapter 8: Quick Question...

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Lukas's P.O.V.

'Cool-o-roma', I know I've heard that somewhere. I just can't put my figure on it. Petra was leading the group, followed closely by Jennifer and Ruben, Axel and Olivia talking just behind them, and I was trailing behind everyone else. Thinking.

Something was different about that Jennifer, I mean we hardly know her! But it's a familiar different. It'll come to me eventually.

"Are we there yet?" Axel groaned.

"Dude, we've literally only been walking for about an hour." Petra growled from the front of the group. Olivia snickered, Jennifer laughed a bit, and even I cracked a smile.

"It feels like we've been walking for days..." Axel grumbled.

"Hey, I got something to pass the time!" Olivia exclaimed. "Would you rather live without any arms or legs?" Everyone looked at her confused until Jennifer spoke up.

"No arms, definitely." Jenifer commented.

"What?!" Petra argued. "No legs would be better, you could at least hold a sword with arms!"

"But you wouldn't need a sword when you can run away from the danger!" Jennifer shot back.

I thought about the answers for a second before I answered. "Personally, I agree with Jennifer on this one. You could always learn to do stuff with your feet!" I commented, joining the argument.

Everyone was eventually arguing the different ways one could live without certain limbs. We laughed at some answers, others we agreed with. We talked until it was almost night.

"We should probably set up shelter for tonight." Petra said looking at the sun set.

"I second that." Olivia added, walking over to Petra. "What should we build?" She asked.

"Let's just build a dirt hut. It's quick and easy." Petra said walking off to start collecting dirt. We all nodded and went to go collect dirt ourselves.

~~Short dirt hut montage~~

Jesse's P.O.V.

We all settled in for the night around a campfire in the middle of the hut. I sat in the far-right corner, while everyone else huddled in the opposite one Well isn't this just a familiar scene.

Everyone fell asleep quickly after a long day, except for me. I sat up watching the fire, thinking about what would happen if my friends found out it was me.

"Couldn't fall asleep either?" a sleepy voice asked from the opposite corner. I noticed Lukas started to sit up. I nodded as he looked at me.

"Same here." Petra said sitting up.

"Ditto." Olivia added, still laying on the ground.

"I was asleep." Axel growled, his back turned to everyone else.

I smiled under my mask at them. "Well, looks like nobody's getting any sleep." I said looking at everyone sitting up.

"Hey," Petra said yawning. "I've been wondering, why do you always wear that mask? I mean besides that masks are cool."

"Oh, yea that's an interesting story." I said calmly looking at them.

"Could you tell us?" Olivia asked, propping her head up on her elbows.

"Yay! Story time!" Axel said smiling.

"I'm curious." Lukas said.

"Alright, alright. I figured you would all eventually ask me that." I giggled as they looked at me eagerly. "I was about eight years old, living any normal life. I was a single child with a mom and a dad. Everything was great, until one day it all changed." I looked back at them. "Nah, you don't want to hear this." I said smirking.

"No! We want to hear it!" "Yea! Keep going!" "Come on! I want to hear it!" They all yelled at me at the same time.

"Calm down! I'm just messing with you guys!" I snickered, trying to withhold my laughter. "It was a normal day like any other, mom was cooking in the kitchen, dad was watching TV, and I was playing with my ball in the yard. I tossed it into the air and it bounced off into the woods near our house. I chased after it. I was walking back when I heard an explosion. I ran twords the sound to find my home in ruins. All that I could find was an Enderman mask from an old Halloween costume. In fear that others would blame me for the explosion, I took the mask and ran away. I had been on the run ever since, until I stopped in your town. I finally was able to settle." I looked at them after I finished. Some looked amazed, others looked concerned.

"So, I wore the mask mostly to never show my face again. But after a while, it just became a part of who I am." I finished. Of course, it was all a lie, it wasn't the first time someone has asked me that.

"Wow," Lukas was the first to speak.

"No kidding." Petra added.

Everyone was quiet for a bit until I broke the silence. "Well, I'm going to bed." I said as I laid back down on my side, my back twords my friends. They eventually fell asleep. Soon, I felt myself drift off.

~~The Next Morning~~

"ALRIGHT, EVERYBODY UP!" Petra yelled at the top of her lungs. Ruben squealed in surprise.

"Mother of-!" Lukas yelled, sitting up fast.

"What's happening?!" Olivia shouted.

"I didn't take the enchiladas, I swear!" Axel screamed

"What the-!" I yelled as I too, sat up quickly.

Petra was laughing as we all glared angrily at her. "HAHAHA! The look on your faces! Anyway, lets hit the road. We have a long day ahead of us, with a lot of ground to cover."

We all groaned as we got up and took down our hut. Pretty soon, we were back on the road heading twords our destination. I looked around me, walking with my friends felt good. I smiled to myself as we headed into the unknown...

Authors Note: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter of 'A Second Chance'! Thanks for reading, and have a fabulous day! Also, if any of you have fan art of this story, please share! That would be AWESOME!

PS: If you have any questions about me or the book feel free to check out the Q & A chapter and ask any questions! I will answer them all!

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