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Kyoya,"This time we are going to a resort my parents' made, would you like to come? It will only be the host club there."
Haruhi,"Please come to protect me from them."-whispers in your ear
(Y/n),"Sure, when?"
Kyoya,"We will pick you up after today, be ready."
Honey,"The guests will be arriving soon."
They get into positions and you chill with the twins.
The host club ends and you rush home and get ready. You know, shower, get your bathing suit, an outfit to put on.
(Y/n),"Wait, my dad's shirt. He always wanted to do this with me, this is first time so I'll bring him along."
You go in your closet and grab one of your dad's shirts he gave you when y'all went to the beach cause you always got your outfit wet. The shirt was in a box with his cologne, he wanted to take to a place like where you're going now, but he died.
(Y/n),"I think I look nice."
You have on a two piece bikini (favorite color), and lace sandals. Your dad's (white button down) shirt doesn't reach your knees so you grab some black shorts. You put on your bathing suit and put on the shirt and shorts and slip on your sandals. You keep your hair down.
Haruhi calls you.
Haruhi,"Hey come down."
(Y/n),"Coming."-you dry your hands from putting on sunblock
You head downstairs and yell 'bye' to your parents and head out to the limo. Kaoru holds open the door for you as you hop in and sit next to Haruhi.
Haruhi,"You smell like a dude a little bit."
(Y/n),"This my dad's old shirt."
Haruhi,"Oh, he wanted to-"
Honey,"What did he? Oh."
Kyoya,"Your dad seemed nice."
Tamaki,"You met her dad?!"
Kyoya,"When I was young, we took them to the beach and talked business. (y/n) was there and he played with her in the water, he didn't leave her side. He picked up his daughters and his wife at the same time and threw them in the water. He even forced my family to get in the water too. (y/n) got her clothes wet so he gave her his shirt, I'm guessing that's the shirt."
Hikaru,"Sorry I wasn't nice to you, those years ago."
(Y/n),"You're finally apologizing!! Thanks okay."-smiling
Hikaru smirks.
You guys arrive at the place and head inside. You play in the water with Honey and could feel eyes on you, you assume it's Kaoru.
You get out and see Haruhi, she has on a cute little bikini, then you see Tamaki give her some clothes. She comes without the bikini on. You walk over after you see the twins and Tamaki talking to her.
You interrupt someone.
(Y/n),"You looked so cute in your bikini! Why'd you change?"-pouting
Haruhi,"Not my style."
You are then dragged back and given a watergun and told to shoot Tamaki with it by Kaoru.
The twins start to shoot at Tamaki and you shoot too, he thens slips and falls. You crack up.
Kaoru laughs with his brother and watches you laugh.
After you're done laughing you drag Haruhi by the water and make her put her feet in, you sit next to her.
You both get up and go talk under the shade, you see Kaoru looking at you.
You glance at Honey and see him being taken away by the current, you all rush over and see Honey get swept away.
Haruhi,"We have to go after him."
Kyoya,"I'll call and tell them about it. We need to get this fixed."
Tamaki,"Come- AHHH!!!!!!!!!"
You all see alligators and you hop onto the nearest person, which is Kaoru. You have your arms wrapped around his neck and your legs around his waist, piggy back style. You feel his face get hot, Hikaru smirks.
You all head out to find Honey and you could only reach your shirt so you're wearing that.
Kaoru starts to walk with you and you all go to the way Honey was swept away.

You keep walking, finding nothing. It starts to rain, so y'all rest.
You stand near Haruhi as she talks to Mori and then Kaoru comes up and talks to you.
You see Mori walk off and Haruhi follow, Kaoru keeps talking to you.
You decide to mess with him a bit, so you rest your head on his chest.
Kaoru,"F-f-for what?"-blushing, IS SOOO RED
(Y/n),"You let me hide behind you when I was scared. Really nice of you."-looks up at last sentence, you see his really red blushing face
Kaoru,"Y-your welcome."
You put your head back on his chest and could HEAR Hikaru's smile.
You look up and in the direction Mori and Haruhi went.
(Y/n),"Kyoya? Did you tell them that there are others here too?"
You run off the way Mori and Haruhi went, the rest follow you.
You reach them and see Haruhi in Mori's arm, Honey standing in front of the guards that are on the ground kneeling. They are talking.
(Y/n),"Dont' tell me I missed a fight!"
Honey,"Yea, you just missed it (y/n)-chan! I know you wanted to see me fight, it couldn't wait."
Mori,"Everyone is okay."
Tamaki,"Let's never come back here again!"
Hikaru,"Yea, at least until Kyoya gets everything fixed."
Haruhi,"I like that plan."
Y'all go home and Haruhi spends the night at your place. You two will go to a movie the next day.

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