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Picture and song above, don't play the song until I tell you.
Kaoru leads you infront of the fountain.
Kaoru,"Hi everyone, sorry to do this but I want you all to see."
Kaoru,"I knew (y/n) when we were young, our families were talking about business while we all played. She could tell me and Hikaru apart. She later moved away to America and I didn't see her until this year. A long time."
Kaoru,"I don't know when I started to like you (y/n), maybe when we were young, or maybe when I first saw you after all these years."-gets on one knee "I was feeling something else though. I didn't know what it was. But I think that I now know what that is. (y/n), I love you. Will you do me the honor of going on a date with you?"
Girls,"So lucky!"
(Y/n),"Yea."-says sweetly and nods head yes, blushing
Kaoru stands up and you two kiss
Kaoru,"Did you like it?"
(Y/n),"Yes, ha our first date after a week saying that we are dating."-laughs
Kaoru,"Yea."-kisses your forehead
(Y/n),"We are weird."-buries face in his chest
Kaoru,"I'll come pick you up at 5 Saturday, dress formal."-carries you to the host club
(Y/n),"I can walk."
Kaoru,"Nope, I carry you now."
(Y/n),"Wouldn't the host club be messed up by this?"
Kaoru,"No, as long as we keep up with what we are doing."
(Y/n),"Good, I'd hate to have messed that up for you."
Kaoru,"Would've done it even if it messed up the host club."-smiles, you smiles back and kiss his cheek
He is romantic, it was like he was proposing.

Host Club is open!
Haruhi,"Finally dating!"
(Y/n),"Shut up."-Kaoru kisses your cheek then everyone goes to entertain their guests and Kaoru does not let looking at you a lot get in his way of his responsibilties of being a host.
Host Club ends.
You go home.

You wake up and go eat breakfast, time goes by soooooooooooooooo slooooooooooowwwwwwwww.
Finally 2 o'clock, you take a bath and put on a robe. You pick out a pretty dress, put on lotion, mascara, lipstick, find the perfect heels, get dressed, put on the heels, spray some perfume, put your hair down and part it.
Check phone, no texts, but it is 4:45.
The dress above is what you are wearing.
You check yourself out.
(Y/n),"Looks good. Am I dressed too nice? I need to ask someone. He said dress formal. MOM!!!!!!!! MELODY!!!!!"
Mrs. Rose,"Yes?"-barges in your room "Honey where are you going dressed like that?"
(Y/n),"Don't freak out but I'm going on a date."
Mrs. Rose,"You are?! BABE!! MELODY!!!! Honey with who?"
Melody,"What mom? (y/n), why are you dressed like that?"
Mr. Rose,"What?! Where exactly are you going?"
(Y/n),"On a date, he said dress formal. How is it?"
Mrs. Rose,"Lovely."
Melody,"Sexy now!"
Mr. Rose,"Oh hell no, take that off!"
Mrs. Rose,"Honey, she's a teenager. Let her go out in that."
Melody,"Come on let her!"
Mr. Rose,"No, I don't care. She is going to take that off!"
(Y/n),"You like him. I'm dating Kaoru!"
Mr. Rose,"Kaoru? I thought that he was just a good friend! BACK STABBER!!!! Take off that-"
(Y/n),"Bye."-grabs purse and runs to door
Mr. Rose,"(Y/N)!!"-runs after you
(Y/n),"Hi Kaoru."-opens door
Kaoru,"Hi, you look love-"
Mr. Rose,"Go change right now!"
(Y/n),"No, see you later."-pushes Kaoru out door and closes it, rushes into limo
Mr. Rose,"(Y/N)!"
(Y/n),"See you!"

(Y/n),"Is it too formal?"
Kaoru,"Perfect."-kisses your cheek
(Y/n),"Cool, you look nice."
Kaoru,"Want to know where we're going?"
Kaoru,"A fancy resturant where we will enjoy a lovely dinner."
Kaoru,"Tonight will be the best first date you could ever have."-proud
(Y/n),"I don't know, I had some pretty good first dates."-teasing
Kaoru,"Those can not even come close."

Fancy Resturant
Waiter,"Here are your menus, is there anything you would like to start off with to drink?"
Kaoru,"Uh sparkling apple cider."
Waiter,"Good, and for the miss?"
(Y/n),"Uh, I guess I'll have (favorite drink)."
Waiter,"Okay, any appetizers?"
Kaoru,"You want anything?"
(Y/n),"Do you have rolls?"
Waiter,"Yes. I will be back with your orders."
Kaoru,"What do you want to eat?"
(Y/n),"I don't know."
Kaoru,"Want a salad, weird food that's hard to pronounce, something else?"
(Y/n),"What are you getting?"-smiles
Kaoru,"Uh, probably a salad because I'm not sure what these are."
(Y/n),"I think I am too."
Kaoru,"I don't like this place. Want to leave?"-whispers
(Y/n),"After I get my rolls."-whispers back

(Y/n),"Oh my god I love this apple cider!"
Kaoru,"This is pretty good."-smiles
(Y/n),"Rolls are rolly."
Kaoru,"They are pretty good."
(Y/n),"Ready when you want to."
Kaoru,"How many rolls you want?"
(Y/n),"Two then we can."

Kaoru,"Butter on my roll."-sings
(Y/n),"You're losing control."-sings
Kaoru smiles
You two finsh your rolls and pay for the check and leave.
Kaoru,"Want to go to the park?"
(Y/n),"Yes, it's really pretty at this time."
Kaoru,"Off to the park. Let's walk there?"
You two start to walk to the park that's only two blocks away.
Kaoru,"Tell me how you like it here."
(Y/n),"I miss it here. I like Ouran too. Tell me how you've been since I was gone."
Kaoru,"I've been fine. Just Hikaru and me, we didn't really talk to people. Tamaki put us in the host club, we opened up. You came back."-looks at you and smiles
(Y/n),"Huh. I wonder."
Kaoru,"Wonder what?"
(Y/n),"How long I can walk in these heels."
Kaoru,"Well, let's not kill your feet."-picks you up and carries you
(Y/n),"Hey, you don't have to carry me."
Kaoru,"No problem, the park is right up there."

Kaoru,"Is this bench okay?"
Kaoru,"What do you want to talk about?"
(Y/n),"What do you want to talk about?"
Kaoru,"Want a popsicle? What flavor?"
(Y/n),"You changed the topic. Cherry."
Kaoru,"I'll be right back."

Kaoru,"A cherry popiscle especially made for you."-smiles and hands you a popsicle and sits down next to you
(Y/n),"Thank you."
Kaoru,"I'm sorry, I don't know what to talk about."
(Y/n),"How about why you don't have a popsicle."
Kaoru,"So I can do this."-licks your popsicle that was in your mouth
You two share the popsicle and chat.
(Y/n),"Can we go watch a movie?"
Kaoru,"Yea, where do want to go?"
(Y/n),"Uh? I guess your home, I don't think that a good movie would be on this late."
Kaoru,"Okay, I'll call the limo."
Play song
Hitachiin Mansion
Kaoru,"Come on."
(Y/n),"Is your family home?"
Kaoru,"Yes that's why we're going in the wing no one goes in."
(Y/n),"Oh, okay. I wanted to say hi to your mom though, and Hikaru, and meet your dad."
Kaoru,"Uh, they will ruin your movie, and our date."
(Y/n),"Yea, let's go in the empty wing."
He leads you to an empty room.
You sit on the bed as he finds your favorite movie.
Kaoru,"Is this okay? There's not much here."
(Y/n),"That's my favorite movie."
Kaoru,"I now know your favorite movie!"-puts on movie and gets on bed next to you
Kaoru,"Well let's watch the movie."-kisses you
You two just sit next to each other for a while. Kaoru embraces you in a cuddle, holding you close.
You two continue to watch the movie.
You kiss him.
He kisses back.
Y'all make out.
You push him on his back and get on top of him, he kisses you more aggresively.
He throws you over and gets on top of you. He sticks his tongue in your mouth when you were getting air. You pull him closer to you and tug his shirt off. He pulls up your legs and grinds into you. You moan as he pulls off your dress and he kisses near your chest and on your neck. You unbuckle his pants and pull it off. He continues to go at your neck making hickies. Kaoru grinds into you, you arch your back and he undoes your bra, about to pull it off when.
You answer it as Kaoru snaps your bra completely on.
(Y/n),"It's that late? Sorry mom, I meant to call you. We were watching a movie."
Mrs. Rose,"When are you coming home?"
(Y/n),"I don't know. Kaoru when am I going home?"
Kaoru,"Whenever you want, or stay the night."-whispers
(Y/n),"I'm going to stay the night. Okay?"
Mrs. Rose,"Uh, honey. Be careful okay. Don't do anything regretful."
Mrs. Rose,"Let her stay the night, I trust him. He is good to her. Tell me when you're on your way back home. Love."
Mr. Rose,"NO (Y/N) TELL ME-"-your mom hangs up
(Y/n),"Uh, sorry."
Kaoru,"I like your mom, she wants to make sure that you're okay."
(Y/n),"Yea."-lays down
Kaoru,"Hey."-lays down next to you
Kaoru,"Your movie is still on."
(Y/n),"Oh my gosh, MOVIE!"-sits up and watches movie
Kaoru cuddles you and you two watch the movie and fall asleep.

Kaoru,"Time to wake up."-kisses you
(Y/n),"Again."-he kisses you again
You pull him close and get on top of him. He grabs your waist pulling you close and tugs at your underwear. He throws you over and gets on top of you, kissing at your neck and trying to undo your bra, you don't let him.
You throw him off.

No you do not do it.
I think I'm ending it.

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