Water Park

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Haruhi,"You tricked me!"
(Y/n),"The only way to get you to come."
Haruhi,"You could've asked me!"
(Y/n),"I know you, you would've said 'no'."
Haruhi,"I didn't even know they asked you! I should've known since-"
Kaoru,"You two look nice!"
(Y/n),"Thank you."
Tamaki,"That bathing suit is perfect for Haruhi! Where did you get it?"
(Y/n),"Bought it."
Haruhi,"You know me too well."-hint of smirk
(Y/n),"That's a good thing."-smiles
Honey,"Where's your bathing suit (y/n)?"
(Y/n),"Under my sweater."
Tamaki,"This is going to be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Kyoya,"So who's paying?"
(Y/n),"You, since you asked."
Kaoru,"I can, that way Kyoya won't make you do anything to pay him back."

Honey,"We're here!!! Come on Mori, let's go on the highest one!"
We all get out and Kaoru pays for everyone. Honey and Mori rush off to the tallest rides. Tamaki trys to get Haruhi to go on a ride with him, but she says she's staying with me.
(Y/n),"Why don't you hang with us Tamaki?"
Tamaki,"Really?! Thank you!!"-hugs you
Kaoru,"I'm coming too."
Hikaru,"Me too so Haruhi doesn't have to be near that creep."
Tamaki sulks.
(Y/n),"Come on Tamaki, get up. Don't sulk, we have to get on rides."
Tamaki,"You're right! I will try not to sulk while we are here for my daughter Haruhi!"
Haruhi,"You're not my dad!"
Tamaki,"Not sulking! but i'm crying on the inside."-pouts
Hikaru,"So what about you Kyoya?"
Kyoya,"I guess I'll hang with you all."
(Y/n),"Then what ride should we get on first?"
Y'all all go to different rides and see Honey and Mori get on all of the highest rides here. Haruhi sits with you the whole time on each ride.
On one ride, things switch.
You are pulled and sat next to Kaoru while Tamaki is shoved to sit with Haruhi. You see Hikaru sit down next to the already sitting down Kyoya. Hikaru did this, you see Haruhi turn around to you and pout. You look at her and mouth 'sorry'. She turns back and Tamaki starts to talk to her.
You and Kaoru sit in silence, he stares at the floor.
You guys are in line for the first ride you get on. You make it to the ride and put your belonings in the bin, you take off your sweater, showing your bikini. You turn around and see Kaoru staring at you, he looks up to your eyes and turns away blushing. He doesn't look at you after that, he trys to avoid you. He will only look you in the eyes.
You two sit there in silence, pretty awkward. He has scooted as far away as he could so you two wouldn't be as close to each other.
(Y/n),"Have you been on this ride before?"
(Y/n),"It's pretty fun. You get drenched."
The ride finally goes.
You go down a dark tunnel and swing around in it. You then surface out the tunnel and drop down out a mouth, that's when the little boats separate, and fall down. You land and go under the water for a while and resurface wet. You ride down to a funnel tube and swirl around in that then go down it. The ride finally ends and you get off.
*Faces during the ride= Haruhi scared out her mind, Tamaki freaking out, Kyoya showing no emotions, Hikaru is tripping out, you are scared as hell but laughing, and Kaoru is the same as you.*
You all get off socking wet. Honey and Mori pop up.
Honey,"Wasn't that ride fun?!"
Haruhi,"Honey, I was scared for my life!"
Honey,"You weren't going to die Haruh-chan! I rode this plenty of times!"
Mori,"I like this ride."
Kyoya,"Very entertaining."
Tamaki,"Mommy, you weren't scared?"
Tamaki,"(y/n), why did you make us get on?"
(Y/n),"I didn't make you get on. I said that I was going on this ride and you all followed me. Honey told y'all that it was fun and I agreed."
Kaoru,"We didn't want you to go on alone."
(Y/n),"I will tell you what the ride is like next time."
Hikaru,"I almost choked on water."
Honey,"That's what the signs were for Hika-chan. Well bye, we're going to look for more high rides!"
(Y/n),"There are more in the back."
Honey,"Thank you (y/n)-chan! See ya! Come on Mori."
Honey and Mori leave. You all go get your stuff (it was sent down while y'all were on the ride).
Hikaru,"I want to pick the next ride."

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