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Hikaru,"You two go on that date."
Kaoru,"I doubt that there's enough time."
Hikaru,"If you two left earlier then there would've been. But, this Saturday you two are going on a date."-grins proudly
Kaoru,"Don't we have stuff to do Saturday?"
Hikaru,"Nope. Cancelled it so you two can go out on your date."-whispers
Kaoru,"So I have nothing to do."-looks at you
(Y/n),"That's not how you ask someone out on a date."
Kaoru,"I will make the best asking out on a date I can."
Hikaru,"That doesn't make sense but I will help you!"
(Y/n),"I'll look forward to it."-walks away
Kaoru,"Where you going?"
(Y/n),"Outside, get out of this place and get some peace and quiet while you two think of how to ask me out."
Kaoru,"We ask her out?"-mumbles to self
Hikaru,"What was that?"
Hikaru,"We have to think of something really special for (y/n). What are you thinking?"
Kaoru,"Why something special?"
Hikaru,"Because she's your first girlfriend."
Kaoru,"Do you like (y/n)?"
Hikaru,"What why would I? She's yours."-trying not to smile
Kaoru,"I mean, you-. Tell me the truth."
Hikaru,"Why would I do that to you? I don't like her, you two are going out and we need to think of something special for you to ask her out."-serious
Kaoru,"Okay. I was thinking that I do it here, at school."
Hikaru,"Won't that mess it up with the host club?"
Kaoru,"Better ask Kyoya then see what I can do."

Haruhi,"I heard you got lunch detention."
(Y/n),"Because of the twins, for three days. That happened yesterday, how are we just now tallking about it?"
Haruhi,"Awww, poor you. I don't pay attention."
(Y/n),"Dude, shut up."
Haruhi,"You know that you need to go out with someone."
(Y/n),"SO DO YOU, I KNOW THAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO GO OUT WITH!!!!"-makes sure the girls can hear
Haruhi,"Why did you do that?!!!"
(Y/n),"Stay. Out. Of. My. Life."-whispers
Girl whoes name I don't care to think of,"Hi Haruhi. I heard t-that you are looking to date someone."
Other girl whoes name I don't care to think of,"No, Haruhi would you-"
Girl,"I was here first."
Other girl,"Who cares. Haruhi would you-"
Girl,"No I was talking first to Haruhi so shut up so I can talk."
Other girl,"No-"
Teacher,"Sit down everyone! Let's get started."
Haruhi,"You know you ruined my life."
(Y/n),"Aimed for it."-smiles
Teacher,"No talking! Let's learn some math that's complicated for no apparent reason and that you will mostly likely never use in your life!"
I wish math teachers were truth like this.
Classes goes by quick, like in a few minutes because for some reason, you actually understood the math today. Genius!!!!
Okay so host club, let's hear how far the rumor about Haruhi wanting a relationship went!!!!!!!!!!

Host Club
Host Club,"Hello princess!"
Kaoru,"Hi, come here."-pulls you close and kisses you
(Y/n),"Someone could've seen."
Tamaki,"We saw!"-happy
Kaoru,"I don't care, we haven't kissed in a while."
Honey,"Give another one!"
Kaoru kisses you again quick and gets back in position as you go and sit at Haruhi's table
The table for Haruhi fills up quickly
Haruhi,"Hi ladies."
Girls,"Hi Haruhi."-sweetly
(Y/n),"So do you girls know about-"
Haruhi,"Quiet (y/n). Sorry girls."
Girl,"We don't care. So Haruhi, are you looking for a girlfriend?"
Tamaki,"You're looking for a relationship?!"-popped up out of nowhere
Haruhi,"Actually no, sorry girls."
Girls,"awwwww. You sure?"-disappointed
Haruhi,"Pretty sure."
Tamaki,"-"-as in opens mouth to say something
Honey,"Leave Haruhi alone Tamaki, go entertain your guests."-cuts off Tamaki, walks away and cries
Haruhi,"Actually (y/n) said that because I said that she should get into a relationship."
Girls whip out phones and text a lot of words.
There are thunder of footsteps soming towards the door.
A whole bunch of guys barge in and come to you.
Guys,"Hi (y/n)."
Girls,"We texted all of the boys we know like you. Since Haruhi said that you are looking for a relationship."
Haruhi,"I said that she should get into a relationship."
(Y/n),"Not looking for one."
Guys,"Huh. Guess we have to prove ourselves."-smiles
(Y/n),"I'm good."
They pull you away from the table to an empty spot and start talking to you and flirting
Tamaki,"Hey, you can't pull people away, it's rude."
Guys,"No one was talking to you."-glares at Tamaki, he sulks in a corner, he's very sensitive today
Honey,"Yea, give back (y/n)-chan."
Honey,"Mori-chan, they won't give back (y/n)-chan."-sad
Mori,"Take her back."
Twins,"Wait, maybe we can persuade them. Hey guys, we know you like (y/n) but you can't her away from her friends. That's rude."
Guys,"You care why? You weren't talking to her. Shut up and leave."
Hikaru,"Get her back Honey, before Kaoru snaps."-whipsers last part
Honey,"Okay!"snatches you
Guys,"Hey."-pulls your other arm
Tug-of-war for you
(Y/n),"Stop before you break me in two!"
Host Club; yes all of them,"Give (y/n) back!!"
Guys,"Give her back to us!"
(Y/n),"STOP BEFORE I SNAP IN TWO!!!!!!!!!"
Host club lets go.
Host Club,"Sorry."
Guys,"We have her now! Leave us now!"
(Y/n),"Oh hell naw. Let me go before I snap all of y'all necks."-they let go
(Y/n),"I am not looking for a relationship. Haruhi didn't say that, stop trying to get me. Leave me be, goodbye!"-walks out, goes home

Mrs. Rose,"Go to school!"
(Y/n),"I'm up!!"-gets ready for and goes to school
School, at locker
(Y/n),"That hurted, my arms still hurt."
Haruhi,"I'm sorry. I didn't think that was going to happen."-chuckles
(Y/n),"No chuck-"-open locker, is covered in teddy bears
Haruhi,"Oh, my bad. Your rest of the school year is ruined."
(Y/n),"Want a teddy bear?"

Hikaru,"I see that you're giving Kyoya a lot of teddy bears."
(Y/n),"Yea, there were in my locker and I don't want them so I figured that y'all can pass them out at the host club."
Hikaru,"Good idea."
(Y/n),"You aren't talking to me why?"
Kaoru,"Huh, oh uh, no reason. Have nothing to say."
Is he having second thoughts on this relationship?
Hikaru,"He's okay, been sad ever since those guys came and flirted with you. Should be better soon though."-whispers
(Y/n),"Oh, jealous huh?"-whispers, nudges Kaoru
Kaoru,"No, I'm just suprised."
Hikaru,"Trying to out do them so you don't dump him."-whispers
Teacher,"Shut up! Let's get to work."
Hikaru,"What's up with you today?"-you and Kaoru scoot away from Hikaru
(Y/n),"Nothing. The class before got on my nerves. Now to work."-you and Kaoru scoot back to where you were before
Class goes by with nothing happening, like all of your classes.
Though, they do announce that after school is over to report outside near the fountain.

School is over.
Everyone reports outside to the fountain. It looks pretty, roses are thrown down and the sun is perfectly light on the fountain, the water sparkles.
There is the principal getting everyone quiet.
Hikaru,"Come on shorty, get close for a better look."-leads you to the front of the fountain
The principal talks about school safety and stuff; Kyoya said no; regulations and non sense.
He gets off the fountain and hands the microphone to Kaoru, he walks to you and grabs your hand and leads to in front of the fountain.

Kaoru x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now