Chapter Forty Three

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Aaliyah POV

It had been two weeks since I found out about the pregnancy and I was a nervous wreck. I still hadn't told anyone because I did not want to hear their mouth. I was starting to show a little bit and I started to have weird cravings. I was meeting with a designer at her show room to pick some stuff to add to the stores inventory.

"Thanks Aaliyah for coming all the way out here to see my stuff" Joanne said.

"No problem when I saw Micha wearing your designs I knew I had to come see them" I said.

"I actually love what you are wearing right now! I've been trying to get those Christian Louboutin boots for forever" Joanne said.

"Oh thank you! Girl I have the hook up just let me know what size you wear and I can tell my girl to get you a pair" I replied.

I was wearing A brown cardigan, black Alexander Wang t-shirt, leather pants, brown Christian Louboutin boots, and I paired it with my black YSL clutch. After deciding which pieces would be in the store I left and went to Lenox mall. I browsed around and picked up a few things from Pottery Barn for my house. I passed by a baby store and decided to go inside. I looked through the baby clothes and became overwhelmed. I didn't know what kind of mother I would be or if I was even ready to be a mother. I didn't know if I wanted to tell Michael about the baby or just keep him in the dark. I had all these things to consider, but right now I just wanted to ignore it all. I decided to meet up with the girls for lunch after my shopping trip.

"You are late heffa, but you look cute" Roxy said when I walked in.

"I know I am sorry there was so much traffic! Where is Micha?" I asked.

"She is on call and had to deliver a baby so she can't come, but she said she misses you and is going to stop by the store this week" Roxy said.

"Well did you order yet or you waited for me?" I asked.

"You know I waited but I did order us both mojitos" she said.

"Aww that was sweet of you but my stomach has been killing me so I am not drinking" I said.

"More for me then! What's been up with you lately? I can't keep up with you at all and Adam says you have been in a bad mood at the store" Roxy said.

"I just been super stressed thats all. I have been meaning to talk to him because I know he is 2 seconds away from quitting on my ass. I been working him like a hebrew slave" I said.

Roxy and I both laughed and then the waitress came to take our order.

"Do you think that I would be a good mother?" I asked.

"What where the hell that come from? you pregnant or something?" She asked.

"No! I was just wondering because I passed by the baby section today in Nordstroms and I just started to think how I would be as a mommy" I replied.

" I honestly don't think you are ready for a baby. You live a busy life and I don't think you can fit a child in it. Honestly between all three of us I figured you would be the last to have a child" Roxy said.

"Wow I never knew you felt that way" I said.

"It's because it never really came up" she said.

The waitress brought out our food and we continued to talk and eat. Once we were done Roxy suggested we go see a movie but I told her I was really tired and I was just going to head home. The things that she said about me being a mother really stuck in my head and gave me even more to think about.

Michael POV

It had been almost two months since I saw or spoke to Li. I have been dying to see how she was, but I knew from our last conversation she needed her space. Carter was getting bigger and smarter everyday. He was the only thing that kept me going throughout the day. I spent every free second I had with him. I had just got home from work and i was looking for Carter to give him a bath. I found Monica in the kitchen looking at wedding magazines. Lately she had been pushing me to get more involved in the wedding, but honestly I was not interested at all.

"Where is Carter?" I asked.

"The nanny put him down a few hours ago" Monica said.

"Why did you let her put him down you know I like to put him to sleep" I said.

"Because we needed to talk and I can't pull you away when you are around him" she said.

"Well did you at least read him a story before bed?" I asked.

"Im sure the nanny did. Now we need to pick a day to go take pictures for our save the date and I found a few places for the venue so we need to go see them so we can out down a payment" she said.

"It's not the nanny responsibility ti read to him it's yours and you haven't been doing anything all day what stopped you from going in there and putting down your own son for bed. Stop saying we need to put down payments also it's me! you have no money to do shit" I said then walked out.

"Fuck you Michael" Monica screamed.

I just shook my head and walked upstairs to Carters room. He was sleeping peacefully. I gave him a kiss and then went to my room to strip out of my clothes. I opened my top drawer to put my wallet away and saw a picture of Li and I that I keep tucked away. I would give anything to see her smile right now, hear her voice, or touch her. I put the photo away and tried to put Li out of my head because I knew that part of my life was over and done with.

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