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I found myself at dinner with the kids again. I begged Ryan to stay for my hour and half. So after 50 times of asking he stayed. He sat across from me as jaydon and Landon sat in between us.

"So how was school today?" I questioned. Ryan directed his eyes to the boys as they fought to talk. I zoned out a little and looked over to Ryan. His hands were nicely put on the table. Thats when I noticed it. His wedding ring. Why would he be wearing it?

"Dad are you even listening" Landon spoke to me, forcing me out of my thoughts. All three of them were staring me down.

"Um, yeah. You can continue" I cleared my throat trying to act normal.
He continued on with his story of his day which was quite the story by the way.
Then jaydon started to talk.

"Today at school since kid called me a fag and told me that its weird to have two dads" wow, I was in shock. How would a 9 year old know those words and why jaydon?

"Oh, I'm so sorry sweetie." Ryan started. "Don't listen to those people. It's perfectly fine to have two dads. Some people even have two moms. Its not a big deal just some people aren't used to things like that. " I showed discomfort in the fact a kid would say that to jaydon. Kids these days need to calm down.
The parents need to teach their kids.

We went on normally, talking and eating. We left after an hour. I didnt mind though. I walked ryan and the boys to their car like usual. Once again was pulled to the side by ryan.

" you see what fucking public school is doing to our children!" He screamed out, hushing himself to make it more of a yelling whisper.
"Ryan their fine. Just direct them in the right path" Ryan's hand went up to his face and he rubbed at his eyes.
"Brendon, nothing is right in the house since you've left" Ryan seemed pissed.
"You know how hard it is to deal with two kids all by yourself!" Ryan almost looked as if was about to kill me.

"Why don't you invite them to your house or something!? Anything! Be in your kids' lives!"

"Ryan, honey. You know I can't do that" I spoke softly, trying to calm him down.

"Dont fucking call me that! You know you're lucky you get to see your kids in the first place! It's my choice! I dont have to let you see them! "
"Ryan, please calm down. Its fine" ryan was pissed. I didnt want him to be so mad at me. He glanced over at the kids who were staring at us.
Ryan moved his hands to his face.
"Just go home Brendon" ryan started. "It's your fucking fault this happened" he whispered angerly. Then we parted ways. I cant talk to Ryan when he's angry like this. I should have left him be. I should just tell dallon so I can make ryan happy.
I cant help but get angry as well. The fact is I was pissed off at myself. Not Ryan, not dallon, not the kids, myself. I got in my car and drove off. I hadn't even had the time to think about my dress shirt. Which I had sadly spilled my drink all over it, how embarrassing.

When at my house I stopped the car and got out, locking it. I walked into the house angrily.
I walked into the living room to see dallon on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey bren! How was dinner?" He hadnt seen the anger on my face as I fell back on the couch.
"Oh brendon, what happened to your shirt?" He asked scooting over to me and poking at the huge stain left on my white shirt.

"Its fine, I just spilled on myself" I tried my hardest not to get angry at dallon. He was just trying to help.

"You really are a big child aren't you!?" He said with a giggle.
"Why dont you start some laundry and I'll get you new clothes?" I nodded, not even caring anymore.
I stood and started a load of laundry. I took my shirt off as well and put that in there too.
Also never put ties in the washer, you'll fuck them up.

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