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I woke up, more tired than usual. I knew Dallon would have already left for work by now. I yawned loudly before dragging myself out of bed. As I stood up I grabbed some boxers and pulled them up my fit frame.
I decided if I wanted to get this wedding over and done with, I should probably plan it out.
Let's start simple, flower arrangements, and maybe a venue.
I stretched one more time before sending a text to Dallon.

What flowers do you want for our wedding?

He'd probably question my out of characterness but I don't care.
Maybe white roses or is that to basic?
What flowers did Ryan and I have again?
I set flowers aside and got dressed for the day.
When I finally got ready I spent the rest of my day planning our wedding.

Even by the end of the day the only thing I knew for certain was the flowers. We settled for white roses, the purest rose out there.
I knew very well it was cliche and unoriginal but I found the charm of a white rose hard to resist.
When Dallon came home he walked through the door with the brightest of smiles.
The first thing he could even mutter out was an 'I love you' and he gave me a kiss after.

We spent the rest of the night figuring out a date for this wedding and who we were go to invite.
"We have to have our wedding as soon as possible I don't think I can wait!" Dallon said this loudly, looking through his family contacts.
"I know I said I wanted this wedding around fall, or something, but I swear I think I want to have it next week!" He continued.

"Dallon, it's fine we can have it next month. How is that?" I asked, "No Brendon, I don't think I want to wait. We're having this wedding next weekend. I don't think I could wait any longer than that." Dallon explained.

"Are you sure we have the money to do it by next weekend?" I question. Dallon is way to excited about this.
"Yeah, we'll be fine."

With that it was settled, next weekend, I'm getting married..again.


I woke up, jolting up from where my head was resting. It's now Tuesday, three days into the wedding planning.
Dallon has been gone most of the time to work extra hours at different hospitals.
We decided to just have the wedding at home to make it easier.
We already sent out invites and most people have rsvp'd already.
My dad sadly declined the invite, he doen't like gays but it didn't stop me from trying.

We invited very little people, mostly close friends and family. My mind is racing with thoughts and plans for this wedding. I might be slightly overwhelmed and definitely tired. All this wedding planning just left me to think about Ryan and I's wedding. I think we spent more money on wedding planning books than the actual wedding, how funny right? I could really use one of those books right now. We rented folding tables and chairs, and even got our backyard landscaped. Food was all planned out as well, including drinks. 

My brain just hurts. I could definitely go for a glass of red wine and a total binge watch of The Office, but I can't do that. My brain is all wedding, no play. Wedding, wedding, wedding.
It just wouldn't be this hard if Dallon could just help a little more. He said money would be fine so why does he have to work do much!

I finally stood up from our kitchen table, I had fallen asleep here last night. The table was a mess, filled with papers of many different things.
I could really use that glass of wine right about now.

Before I could leave the kitchen, my phone started ringing. With a sigh, I ran back to the table and grabbed my phone, answering it.

"Hey Bren, how are you holding up?"
I laughed a little, Dallon. Finally, it's Dallon!
"Dal, oh god, You don't know how happy I am to hear your voice right now." I said, rubbing at my face a little.
"Is everything okay? I'm almost done with work and I'll come help you."

"That sounds great." I start. "Right! Oh yes, I got my suit yesterday. All I need is for you to get yours. I don't know if you want some bachelors party or something like that." I explain this in a tired tone, wishing this day could just hurry up and end already.

"Well yeah, I guess that's fine. Hey, I'm almost done here, I have a few more things I need to get done. I'll have to talk to you when I get home."

"Okay, goodbye then."


"Love you" By the time I said this, Dallon had already hung up the phone. Leaving me alone with myself, once again.

Back to planning, yes, planning. I picked up one of the papers off that table but I couldn't read it.
I feel like a vegetable, my brain is completely fried. I'm reading the words but I can't read them.
The lack of sleep I'm getting is really getting to my head.

I feel like I'm back in highschool, right around testing season. Finals, state testing, unit tests, stuff like that.
By the time the school year finished off, everything just went through one ear and out the other. I could just sit there and stare at my desk.

"Three more days!" I shout, "Three more days."


Hey I'm going to rewrite this whole book when I'm finished with it. Just to fix up all the first chapters I made last year. Also if there is anything wrong in this chapter its 12am and I'm tired. Thanks.

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