the second chapter

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"Hey, I know her! I know you!" The man wheezed, pointing to Cora with a silly grin across his face. "She gave me cufflinks."

Cora smiled, then noticed a large wound on the side of his neck. "What happened to him?" She gasped as she rushed over. "Is he okay?"

"He was bitten," the man, who wore a dark blue coat and had a mop of curly hair on his head, explained. A sharp dig in the ribs from the woman made him close his mouth.

"That's no bite like I've ever seen," Cora mused, looking at him. "Should I call a doctor?"

"No, don't- don't call anybody," the woman urged. "We're taking him upstairs to help, please don't tell Mrs Esposito."

"I won't," Cora promised. The niffler began writhing in her pocket and the blue-coated man looked downward with a frown.

"What do you have there?"

"Oh, it's nothing," Cora said quickly. "My hand- I have a... an involuntary twitch in my hand."

He didn't seem to believe it, but another groan from the man he was supporting meant he had to ignore his suspicions and help carry him upstairs. Cora waited a few moments before going upstairs, because she knew if any of them fell she would be in danger of being squashed. As she entered the building, however, there was a shout from somewhere on the ground floor.

"Tina, is that you?" The landlady called, causing the trio a floor above ground to freeze. Cora decided to do them a favour.

"It's just me, Mrs Esposito!" Cora replied. "Sorry, you know how noisy I am."

"Gosh, I sure do," was the reply. The woman made an appearance soon after, looking up and down Cora's figure, and around the room to make sure she was alone. But both Cora and the creature in her pocket had realised that she was more dressed up than usual; namely, she wore a large golden locket between her collarbones. Before she had the chance to do anything, the niffler had launched itself at Mrs Esposito's chest.

"Merlin's beard!" Cora cried, as the animal urgently tried to tug the chain from around the woman's neck. The woman began to scream and bat the niffler away from her. "Calm down, I can fix this!"

She raised her wand and took aim at the niffler, but a gasp from the staircase caught her attention.

"What are you doing?!" The man and woman who had previously been supporting the second man had reappeared, and were staring at her in shock.

"Getting my niffler?" Cora smiled shyly. "Don't worry, I'm-"

"An unregistered British witch in New York," the woman finished for her. Cora's eyes widened. "Do you know how many laws you're breaking-"

"Your niffler?" The man exclaimed. "That's my niffler!"

"Accio niffler," Cora murmured, and the niffler soared towards her. She caught it, and handed it to the man. "Well, there you go. Although I did promise that he could play with my jewellery box, so he may be a tad disappointed."

"Where did you find him?"

"He was scavenging my workplace, but he did save me being stolen from and possibly shot."

"Muggles and their silly guns," the man murmured under his breath. Cora began to laugh.

"Cora Ketterstone," she introduced herself to the pair.

"I'm Newt Scamander, that's Tina," he replied with a smile. Cora smiled back.

"I didn't know there were any witches in this building," Cora turned to Tina.

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