the eighth chapter

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Jacob keeled over on the pavement when they reappeared, clutching at his stomach and retching violently.

"That does tend to happen the first time you apparate," Cora said apologetically. "My apologies, Jacob."

"It's- okay-" he said, one hand on his chest as he bent over the floor and tried not to throw up. "You could've told me what you were- woah." He'd realised they weren't in the same place as before. "How did you do that?"

"It's called Apparation," Cora explained as Newt helped him up. "It gets magical people from one place to another almost instantly. It's not my favourite mode of travel, I'm much better at flying than apparating."

"Flying?" Jacob asked, finally standing. "Wizards can fly?"

"With a broomstick, obviously," Cora nodded, briefly forgetting that he didn't know.

"God, I love magic," Jacob sighed. Newt laughed and shook his head, some of his curls falling over his face as he did so. He frustratedly swept them out of the way and Cora bit her lip so she wouldn't smile at his actions. "So, where's this bar-"

"Hey!" A no-maj policeman approached them, shining a torch into their faces due to the quickly disappearing light. "What're you all doing out at a time like this? Not looking for trouble, are you?"

"No, Officer," Jacob said. "We were just-"

"Just what? Just looking for somewhere to get a drink? Just looking for something to vandalise?"

"We were just walking to my home," Cora said, offering the man a charming smile and adopting her American accent as she spoke. "It's my birthday, you see. Me and my brother and my-" she paused slightly and linked arms with Newt, pulling him closer to her. "-my boyfriend, we're heading back to my place for dinner. Is that alright with you, Sir?"

"O-okay," the policeman stammered, directing the beam of his torch to the ground instead of their faces. "Have a good night, now."

"You too, sir," Cora called as he briskly walked away. She grinned at the group when he disappeared from view.

"You're quite an actress," Jacob grinned, then looked down at Cora and Newt's still-linked arms. Cora dropped his arm quickly, but still stood close. Tina and Queenie appeared around a street corner, Queenie waving with a bright smile as they approached.

"I need to work on my apparating skills, apparently," Tina laughed. "It's just around this corner, from what I can remember."

They continued to a dark alleyway and descended a set of stairs. A tarnished sign above the doorway read 'The Blind Pig'.

Both Tina and Queenie raised their wands and lowered them over their bodies slowly, their casual clothes turning into appropriately short dresses. Cora frowned down at her outfit, a dark blue skirt, tucked-in blouse and a thick cardigan. She pulled her hat a little lower over her face to avoid Queenie's analytical gaze.

"I don't want to wear that, I don't-" Eyes still covered by her hat, she felt her clothes shifting on her body to change into something like the other women's. "-son of a banshee."

"You all look great," Jacob reassured. Cora whined, almost puppy-like, and wished her hat could cover her entire face, or the ground could open and swallow her up. She didn't object to short dresses; in fact, she rather liked them. But it was the middle of winter and, subconsciously, she didn't want to show off a lot of skin in front of the company she was with.

Newt, on the other hand, was rather enjoying the change of outfit. Feeling slightly underdressed, he tapped his collar with his wand and a small bowtie appeared. Cora smiled at him, he smiled back.

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