a letter from new york and it's response

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11th of December, 1926
Mr Newton Artemis Fido Scamander

My dearest Newt,

Apologies for my use of your full name, I discovered I don't actually have your address. I'm actually writing this letter to tell you that Jacob (who I have most definitely not been following around New York City) has been granted his loan on the bakery. Queenie was overjoyed when I told her and promised to buy out the entire shop on opening day. I told her it was a very bad idea, Tina agreed. Speaking of Tina, who is watching me write this letter over my shoulder— i am not watching her write this letter, i was just glancing over at her when she looked up. Anyway, speaking of Tina, she has finally been assigned to investigate the remainders of the Second Salemers. We had a lovely dinner to celebrate.

It has just occurred to me that, should this letter reach your home, it will get there before you will. I promise I'm not being clingy I miss you a lot, Queenie and Tina do as well. I hope Marvin is treating you as well as he can, he can be a bit of a pain most of the all of the time. If he does anything horrible, threaten to bathe him. He hates water.

Anyway, I hope you have a safe trip home and I hope your book is as incredible as you are have made it out to be.



13th of December
Ms. Cordelia Lucille Ketterstone
Apartment 4C
679 West 24th Street
New York City, New York
United States of America

My dearest Cora,

Your owl (I'm unsure of whether it was your own, or a postal owl) found me aboard the ship. The muggles were quite confused, but nobody asked questions. I would have hated to obliviate anybody especially after Jacob. . I see you used my full name, so I used yours. I hope I got your middle name right, it would be terribly embarrassing if I got it wrong. I'm not sure what else to say through a letter, as I've been on a boat for a day-and-a-half and you have been doing... what have you been doing? Has MACUSA been interrogating you as they promised? The news of the Obscurus has spread to Britain; I've been getting the Prophet delivered and it was on the front page. The current Minister of Magic (Hector Fawley, if you didn't know) has been saying American wizards couldn't possibly be equipped to handle an Obscurus of that level of power. I considered writing to him and asking him to meet Tina Goldstein, and how she could give him a run for his position. I think my brother would have a mild heart attack if I did.

Anyway, I must go. The niffler has been pining for you and I can't get him to let go of your last letter. Also, Pickett has a violent case of seasickness.



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