the eleventh chapter

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"Hello, Mr Grindelwald," she replied, calm and collected even though a mass murderer was speaking to her.

"Cora, what's going on?" Tina whispered. Cora ignored her.

"Are you not surprised to see me?" His accent was thick, very different to the American accent of Percival Graves. "Are you not happy to see an old friend?"

"You were my mother's friend, not mine, and that was a long time before you were a mass murderer."

"You still have the opportunity to stand by my side. Cora, we could-"

"Go to hell," she spat, crossing her arms and turning around so her back was facing him. MACUSA aurors lead him away back down the tunnel, as Queenie and Jacob appeared with Newt's case.

"Oh, thank God you're okay," Queenie gasped, hugging Cora before doing anything else. "I had this scary thought- you hit your head, right?"

"I was knocked backwards and I hit the floor quite hard," Cora affirmed. "But Newt healed me, Merlin knows how bad I am at healing spells. You should see the state of my feet."

"Cora, where are your shoes?" Newt questioned suddenly, realising that she was barefoot. Cora, tired and emotional, did the only thing she could think of in the moment and began to laugh. Her giggles, contagious as ever, quickly spread to the other four. Queenie leant on Jacob as they laughed, Tina had her hands on her hips as she tried to keep up her professional act in front of the MACUSA aurors, and Newt bit the inside of his cheek to disguise his smile.

Their amusement was short-lived, as Madam Picquery approached them.

"Miss Ketterstone, we need to question you about your association with Grindelwald," she said.

"No, you really don't have to do that," Cora sighed, brushing tears of laughter from her cheeks. "My mother was a pureblood fanatic, she invited Grindelwald to her galas more than once. He was always rather taken with me, despite being a lot older, but I despised everything about him and what he believed in. I haven't seen him in... twelve years, I believe. I hoped to never see him again."

"Then we owe you an apology, you and Mr Scamander," Picquery replied resolutely. "But the entire magical community is exposed. We can't obliviate an entire city!"

Jacob and Newt shared a knowing look.

"Actually, Madam President," Newt said earnestly, "I think we can."

Cora frowned as she watched Newt open his case. Frank the Thunderbird soared out, and perched behind the case.

"I was intending to wait until we got to Arizona," Newt told the creature lovingly. "But it seems you're our only hope, Frank."

The beast nuzzled it's beak into Newt's shoulder, but kept a watchful eye on Cora as it did so.

"That bird does not like me," she mumbled.

Newt handed it a small vial of glowing blue liquid, whispered his goodbyes to the creature, and then it took off into the sky with a loud screech. Newt rejoined the group and it began to rain, the thunderbird creating a storm that covered the whole city.

"Are you okay?" Cora asked Newt while the others marvelled at the bird. He looked on the verge of tears.

"It's always hard, letting the creatures go. I know he'll be perfectly fine and he'll find somewhere better than cooped up in my case, but..." he sighed.

"Come here, Mama Bird," she teased, reaching out to pull him into a hug. The scent of her hair was that of something sickly sweet and he didn't know how it had stayed in her hair, after all they'd been through. She carried the smell of toffee apples and caramelised sugar and royally iced cookies, and it made him smile.

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