letters exchanged over christmas

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25th of December, 1926
Ms. Cordelia Lucille Ketterstone
Apartment 4C
679 West 24th Street
New York City, New York
United States of America

My dearest, Cora

Merry Christmas! The presents were excellent, I hope you all like the ones I've sent back to you. Although I'm not sure what Queenie was getting at by gifting me a house key. I don't even know what it unlocks. Marvin is snarky and irritating as always, but he seems to have found a companion in my female jarvey, Yolanda. My brother (the war hero) says he would like to meet you sometime, and my book is set to be published in the New Year. Would you like to visit sometime in January? It's perfectly fine if you're busy, I understand that you have commitments. In fact, maybe it's for the best you don't come. Merlin knows what Theseus will say about you, and I doubt you'd like to see him drunk. I suppose it's up to you.

I hope you have a lovely Christmas, tell Tina and Queenie that too.



26th of December, 1926
newty scabooty
scamander mansion or something fancy like that

my dear overprotective bird mama

tina told me you fancy me i think that's really lovely. i actually just think you are really lovely in general. queenie was very pleased because you wrote 'my dearest, cora' instead of just 'my dearest cora' because grammar says that means you fancy me? well drunk-me fancies you too and i'm sure not-drunk-me would agree. i'm drunk because thomas (he's my new friend he works across the street from me) brought around wine and some alcohol about the moon and it was VERY VERY STRONG.

id like to meet your brother actually and id really quite like to see you again so can i please come over in january i could visit you and my parents graves oh now this letter sounds sad anywa

hello newt i accidentally told our dearest, cordelia that you have a GIGANTIC crush on her oops but its okay because im drunk. tell the occamys i said hello -from tina

she stole the quill i'm sorry about that. anyway im ending the letter because a lovely song just came on (tina got the most wonderful records for christmas from queenie) OH speaking of christmas presents i really do like the ring you sent i think its beautiful and i wear it everyda

hello mr scamander it's queenie, i just wanted to wish you a happy christmas and tell you that i can sense the feeling somebody felt when they wrote a letter by touching the ink so i know how much you like our sweet beautiful cora please dont hurt her feelings shes so small and she's already had her feelings hurt enough for one lifetime

i agree -also from tina


lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of christmas love and also just general love,

from cora and tina and queenie

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