.:XXXVIII:. Date Pt 1

167 8 1

My eyes fluttered open to the sounds of an alarm clock going off. Scrunching my eyebrows together I turned over seeing the bed empty, I then looked at the bed side table seeing my phone alarm going off. Pressing my finger down to turn it off I noticed a white piece of paper with Josh's hand writing scribbled across it.

Picking the note up, I read it out aloud to my self and the empty room.

To my dearest Tyler

As you agreed to accompany on our date extravaganza, I will be pleased to ask you to meet me at my front steps at roughly 8:40pm. Wear something fancy/classy and warm as we will be dining and the rest will be revealed later on.

Yours sincerely Joshua Dun xoxo

P.s I was the one to set the alarm on your phone so you'd wake up ;) 

After reading his note I swear I could have died from happiness, feeling heat rush to my cheeks I check the time seeing it was already 7:50pm. Standing up from the bed I pulled my tank over to his closet, opening it up to see what classy clothes he has that I could wear. 

After minutes of searching I couldn't find a single piece of clothing until I heard a knock at his door. Shouting out a "come in" Since my head was still in the closet, Mrs.Dun's voice called out making me turned around.

She held a black suit in her hands smiling before walking over to me.

"I'm assuming you'll be needing this tonight" She smiled handing me the suit.I instantly wrapped her in my arms, hugging her tightly feeling happiness swell in my chest. 

"Thankyou so much" I mumbled into her shoulder before pulling away holding the suit to my body. It seemed like it would fit. Now all I needed was a shower since it was already now 7:58 shit.

Mrs.Dun practically shoved me into the bathroom to get cleaned up. After a warm shower, I brushed my teeth and my slightly long fluffy brown hair before getting dressed in the beautiful sleek suit. The suit had black pants and jacket with a white shirt underneath. Despite still needing my tank I felt oddly confident in this suit. 

It drew closer to 8:40 and I could feel nerves starting to eat away at me. I wasn't sure as to why I was nervous to go on a date with my boyfriend but I'm hoping I don't mess up tonight.

Deciding it was close enough to the time I headed down stairs along with my tank meeting Josh's parents in the kitchen. They lifted their gazes and smiled, thats right people Josh's dad smiled.S-M-I-L-E-D. Mrs.Dun came over to me and hugged me pecking my cheek.

"So handsome Tyler!" She squealed. 

Josh's dad stood up walking over to me, I gulped still feeling nervous around him since the last time we talked I forced him out of the hospital but he did something I never expected he held out his hand for me to shake.

Grasping his hand and shaking it, he smiled.

"I'm sorry Tyler for being blind to how happy you make Josh" He spoke making me smile, not a forced one, an actual smile directed to him.

"He makes me happy too"

"I know its obvious, have fun" Both of his parents smile at me.

"You ready Tyler, he's waiting" Mrs.Dun asked before walking over to the door with me. I took a deep breath before she opened the door and my jaw dropped.

Josh was waiting against a black car, wearing a full black suit with a matching tie. His hair was neatly groomed making his mocha eyes stand out more. Once he saw me he smiled and swiftly walked over to us. 

"Have fun boys" Mrs.Dun left us alone shutting the door.

I turned to face my boyfriend seeing him looking at me in awe.

He stepped closer grasping my cheeks in his hands watching me lovingly.

"You look beautiful or handsome" He laughed softly at him self which then I kissed his laughing lips.

"You too Josh" I smiled before he interlaced out fingers.

"Ready" I nodded as he pulled me towards an unknown car. He opened the door for me, letting me pull my tank along with me and into the car.Josh got in after me, buckling his seat belt then lacing out fingers together. 

"Where are we going?" I asked softly to my boyfriend.

"Thats a surprise he winked" As the car drove away into the city.


After a ten minute car ride we pulled up in front of a restaurant that you could see was quiet fancy, the inside's were glowing with beautiful yellow and golden brown lights, shining out through the windows into the dimly lit street.

Josh got out and opened the door for me, helping me with my tank. Taking my hand he lead me into the restaurant as I did with my tank. A women with a book came up to us with a toothy smile, she reminded me a lot of Jenna which was why I smiled back.

"Uh Josh dun" Josh spoke as the women nodded before leading us to our table.Josh keeping his gentle man act up he pushed the chair out for me waiting for me to be seated comfortable before pushing me in then taking his own seat. 

I tucked my tank under the table so I wouldn't kick it or trip other people over into tables causing me a scene.I glanced around the restaurant, it was very beautiful, fairy lights lit the room as did candles among the tables as couples enjoyed their meals and loved ones. 

Soon a waiter came over to us offering us all sorts of drinks.

"Just a bottle of your finest champagne please" Josh ordered which surprised me since I didn't think he was that type of drinker. The waiter left us when Josh turned around and smiled, reaching over to lace out hands together.  

"Thank you for Joining me Tyler" He winked making me roll my eyes playfully.

"Thank you for inviting me, although a one man date would be pretty sad" I smirked before falling into a full blown smile at my dork of a boyfriend. 

Two glasses were set down beside our arms which we unlaced to sit up properly, we watched in awe as our glasses were filled up with crisp white wine or champagne watching it as it bubbled around in the glass. Picking our glasses up Josh cleared he's throat before smiling.

"Here's to my beautiful and amazing boyfriend who has beaten cancer, managed to make me fall head over heels for him, made everyday of my life worth living and makes my heart beat which only beats for you. This is for you Tyler Joseph, the love of my life" He finished smiling as I heard soft clapping come from other couples as they heard his speech making me blush like mad. 

Clinking our glasses together, we took as sip and instantly I hummed a yes at the drink. The drink was rich and sweet, if you could drink the stars it would be like drinking this drink. It made my chest feel warm as did my cheek. 

"I love you" He added after pulling his glass away from his lips.

"I love you to Joshua Dun" I smiled.


We had left the restrauant full since we managed to eat dessert as well but mostly I was filled up on champagne since I drank about three glasses of it. Josh and I held hands as we walked down the streets of the city, the lamp post illuminating the world above with its golden brown light. 

The breeze was slightly cold but it didn't bother me since the warmth of Josh's body by my side warmed me up. The stars above us added to the scenery as we wondered the cold streets of Ohio. 

Josh stopped checking his watch, it was currently 10:34pm now, he looked up smiling.

"Ready for the next surprise?" He asked.

"Your full of surprises but yes" I smiled wrapping my hands around his neck, kissing him before the black car from before pulled up beside up. Josh opened the door just like before, letting me in first before Himself, the car drove away.

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