.:XXXIX:. Date Pt 2

135 8 3

The care pulled up in front of forest making me gulp anxiously, what could he be taking me out here for.

Josh noticed my scared expression and leaned over kissing me softly before opening the door helping me out. 

"Thanks Scott" Josh called to the driver before he smiled and waved, driving off into the streets. Josh grabbed my hand and started leading me out into the trees.

"Your not going to murder me....right?" I laughed nervously only half joking.Nerves were bubbling my chest since we're in the dark. 

"Maybe maybe not" He winked squeezing my hand before continuing to lead me through the dark world in front of us. We walked for about five minutes until my eyes landed upon something making my heart skip a bit.

The spot.

Our spot.

The ladder leading up to the roof top was covered in fairy lights which I had no idea as how they were on since we're in the forest but I didn't care right now. Turning to my boyfriend he leaned in kissing my forehead.

"I thought you'd like this more than dining all night" He smiled before leaning down picking my tank up helping it on to my shoulders like a back pack before leading me over to the lit up ladder allowing me to go first since he knew I felt more comfortable that way. 

We climbed the up for about two minutes until I was able to peep over the edge but when I did my heart skipped a beat. Pulling my self up onto the roof my jaw dropped at the scenery. The roof was lit up by candles and fairy lights among the floor. A giant blanket spread out with another pile of blankets and pillows along with a basket and a stereo.

I stood there in aw as Josh came up from behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist softly.

"Surprise baby" He whispered in my ear making me shiver. 

He pulled me over to the blanket allowing me to put my tank down off my shoulders, I quickly took my cannula off since I didn't really need it at this moment. Once that was done he took of my suit jacket along with his before wrapping his arm back around my waist after clicking something on the stereo when suddenly the song a thousand years played, he smile sheepishly at me. 

"May I have this dance?" He asked like a true gentle man extending his hand. Giggling I took his hand interlacing our fingers. He pulled me closer as I wrapped an arm around his shoulders as he did to my waist. 

The song played softly as we swayed together, my head resting on his shoulder as the candles lit up the atmosphere leaving us in our own bubble. Josh sang the words softly in my ear making my heart clench with every lyric.

 He sang a little louder making me pull my head away as we continued swaying, I looked him in the eyes, lust and passion coated his eyes as he kissed me. 

"I have died everyday waiting for you"

"Darling don't be afraid I have loved  you for a thousand years"

"I've loved you for a thousand years."

"I've loved you for a thousand more" 

We sang the lyrics to each other sweetly watching each other lips and cheeks as they grew red with a blush and love. He moved back slightly lifting arms up and motioned for me to twirl which I complied to while gigging, shortly I was back in his warm embrace swaying once again.

I was no doubt in love with Joshua Dun. My heart thumped for this boy, he was my light, my reason to live, my will to live. I no doubted wanted to spend a thousand years or more with the love of my life. Him. 

The song finally came to the end leaving us to come to a stop still holding each other. Josh stepped back before tugging me to sit down on the mountain of blankets in front of him. I watched lovingly as he dug around in the basket for something but when he finally found what he was looking for I felt my heart give in,

He turned back around and in his hands was a small dark blue velvet box, closed in his palm. I felt my throat close up as he kneeled in front of me while I sat up on a pillow. 

"Now I know what this looks likes and believe me I wish It was that moment because god dam am I in love with you Tyler Joseph, every day I'm so lucky to wake up beside you and I get to smile knowing your mine and I'm yours. 

I know we're young which is why I'm waiting for the perfect time but in the mean time until then I thought this could make up for it" He opened the box revealing a beautiful shiny silver ring, glistering with the light from the candles beside us. 

"Its a promise ring, meaning I promise to show my love and passion for you until I get to call you Mr.Tyler Dun and put a beautiful golden ring on your finger but until then I offer this promise ring, promising to love you for a thousand years" Tear welled in my eyes from his long loving speech. I couldn't speak since my words were caught in my throat I leant forward and threw my self on his lap showering him with kisses.

He pulled away shortly grabbing my hand and slid the promise ring on my finger before showing me his on his ring finger making me smile. I held his hand looking at his ring on his finger knowing the promises he had just made to me are legit. 

Gazing up his eyes were still coated with lust and passion, he licked his pink lips glossing them over with saliva making them shiny. Taking the box from his hand I put it aside before twisting back around in his lap grabbing his face that was being illuminated by the candles in my hands.

"I love you so so much" I whispered rubbing his bottom lip with my thumb.

"I love you too baby" He whispered back softly watching my ever move. 

Leaning in I caught his lips in a passionate kiss as my hand directed them selves into his hair as his gripped my waist. The kiss started of sweet and soft but grew hotter and messier within minutes. Josh's hands came around to the front before he slowly unbuttoned my shirt letting it fall off my shoulders onto the ground before flicking it away. I undid his shirt as well throwing it away as he ran his hands over my bare waist.

He diverted his lips away from mine and down to my neck where I felt him start to nibble softly on my flesh before sucking at my expose skin leaving nothing but love marks to litter my skin showing everyone I'm indeed his.

Moaning quietly to myself he quickly flipped us around so he hovered over us before attaching his lips back to my neck marking me up more. 

The rest of the night was spent making love to the boy who promised to love me for a thousand years and more. 

Tear In my Heart (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now