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"Awh my god thats so cute" Melanie cooed loudly as we sat on her bed along with Brendon. Josh and I had spent the passed five minutes explaining our date from a few nights ago, Melanie ordered us to explain every detail from the name of restaurant to how the wine tasted.

I also showed her the promise ring Josh had given me and explained how we danced under the stars surround by candles and fairly lights and rose petals which I had discovered before we fell asleep.

We decided to leave out the part about having sex up on the roof though since they didn't really need details on that. We had woken up the next morning still on the roof in a sexed up mess.We were still completely naked out in the cold and had love bites marking our skin which was still on show for Melanie and Brendon to see which they didn't stop teasing us for.

"So are you completely cancer free Tyler?" Brendon piped up after Melanie stopped cooing over Josh's sappy date plan.

"Not completely but they say its almost like its all gone" I smiled, I knew I still had evidence of cancer cells but Jackie and Dr.Smith said I'm healthy enough to stay home as long as I attend appointments every three weeks and take my medication and get my tank with me for a little longer.

I had also taking the liberty of explaining my whole cancer situation to the pair since they were both clueless of the whole me almost dying since Josh and I kept them in the dark about it. Brendon wouldn't stop touching and playing with the cord of my cannula until I puffed my cheeks out and took it off.

Scooting over to Brendon on my knees before brushing his hair out of his face. He sat still as I wrapped the cord around his ear before placing the nose piece under his nose. He immediately giggled as he felt the oxygen flow from the cord into his nose.

"Happy now?" I laughed as he nodded excitedly.

I scooted back into Josh's arm, resting on his lap. I didn't need the cannula at the moment since I wasn't walking or anything, I was just sitting on Melanie's bed.Josh peppered secret kiss's along my neck until a knock was heard at the door.

"Come in!" Melanie yelled over as the door opened revealing Ashley. 

"Hey Guys" She smiled walking over to the bed ruffling Brendon's before Placing her self on Melanie's lap giving her a sweet peck on her lips. Yeah Brendon was currently single which was sad but Josh was talking to me the other night about a guy named Dallon that he was thinking about introducing him too, he's Josh's boss.

"It tickles" Brendon suddenly blurted out making me laugh as he was going cross eyed from trying to stare at the nose piece.Idiot. 

"How does it feel being the only single person here Bren?" Ashley smirked watching his face pout. Kind off felt sorry for him maybe we should introduce Dallon to him earlier.Twisting around on Josh's lap I leaned into his ear whispering my plan.

"We should introduce Bren to Dallon today" I leaned away winking watching Josh's face light up into a devious smirk nodding.

Leaning away I scooted over to stand up from the bed grabbing Brendon off the bed pulling him up.Taking my cannula of him since we were about to head out I still needed the support.


"We're going out" The grouped nodded as Josh was texting who I assumed was Dallon before turning around to smile at me.

Time to get Brendon a boyfriend.


We made our way down into the city currently heading towards a coffee shop known as starbucks because we're typical white people take it or leave it. Brendon just think we're getting coffee but little does he know he's the only one who thinks that. Melanie and Ashley know what we're up to.

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