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The scent of hospital rooms, hand sanitizers and other chemicals filled my nose as Josh and I waited in the waiting room for Jackie to see us. 

Today we have come for my very last check up too see if I'm officially cancer free. It's been almost a month and a half I've been hospital free and Ive been loving it.

Being able to wake up beside my boyfriend to share kisses in a warm comfortable bed has made my life so much better honestly. It's been so much better than sleeping in a bed that felt like rocks underneath my body.

I'm just hoping that today goes the way Josh and I have planned it, we're hoping to leave this place with me cancer free and oxygen tank free since I basically only wear it to my check ups but they don't know that. 

We also planned to celebrate if things go to plan, Josh has invited everyone over tonight even Dallon because guess what people,  Brendon and Dallon have totally hooked up and are so attached, they hang off each other's shoulders but its honestly the cutest thing ever, they look at each other with so much trust and passion, they're meant to be anyone could see it. 

"Tyler!" I was pulled out of my trains of thought when Jackie's voice yelled over to Josh and I. Lacing my fingers with Josh's and pulling my tank we followed her to Dr.Smiths room where we took a seat as my knee bounced up and down anxiously as nerves attack my stomach and mind.

Dr.Smith came from behind us taking a seat at his desk smiling at the three of us before logging onto his computer searching through some files.Josh squeezed my hand as he turned around about to deliver what news he has.

"Now Tyler as you know we've done one finally x-ray on your lungs and chest to see if all cancer cells have died and if any further infections have occurred" He stopped quickly licking his lips before he went on.

"Tyler Joseph I'm very proud and honoured to say you are now officially a cancer free man, your lungs are very healthy as is your chest and no further infections as occurred, congratulations." He broke out into a toothy grin as I felt my heart skip a beat.This didn't feel real at all but it was.

I did it.I beat cancer, I'm cancer free.

"Oh my god" I whispered not believing his words.

"Aw Bubby I'm so proud!" Josh leaned over kissing my cheek causing me to brake out into a smile as he hugged me. Jackie bent down beside me before reaching up to take my cannula of me.

"I did it" I squealed to my boyfriend, feeling my mouth grow a tad small from smiling a lot. 

"You won't need this no more sweetie, got to train your lungs to support themselves again" She winked standing up to hug me which I happily returned. 

"But of course you still might feel slightly weak but thats totally normal okay" Dr.Smith added before standing up and extending out a hand for Me to shake. Shaking his hand he did the same to Josh, giving him a firm hand shake.

After a few minutes of talking with the doctor and Jackie, Josh and I were free to leave this place forever well until something happens like usually.Jackie walk out to the entrance before stopping and smiling.

She pulled me into a tight hug, which I returned with the same amount of force.I will admit I will miss her smile that I got used to seeing every morning and night but all things come to a end eventually.

"Don't tell anyone but you were always my favourite patient" She winked at me, earning a shove playful shove from me before letting out a small chuckle.

"I'm proud of you sweetie you done well, Now get out of here you's two" She chuckled ordering us out playfully.

"Thankyou for everyone you've done for me and Josh" I smiled giving her a friendly kiss on her cheek as did josh before grabbing Josh's hand and lead him out of the building giving one final goodbye to my nurse who cared for me for months on end. 

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