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"Mum I'm so-" I'm stopped when she puts her hand in the air.

"Save it Adele." She says, disgust clear in her voice.

"But mum..." I begin but she slaps the table which makes me jump.

"Get to your room, your son is in there, we'll speak about this in the morning." She says and then I feel shame. Complete shame.

I walk into my room and see him still peacefully sleeping, thankfully.

I take of my jacket and my boots and just climb into bed, I'm not even bothered changing out of my clothes.

I lay awake for a while, mentally slapping myself for being an idiot but then all I think is, I'm young, I need to live life to the fullest.

I eventually fall asleep but it feels like it's only for about 5 minutes because Angelo's cries wake me up.

I get up immediately and walk to his crib and pick him up.

"Good morning baby." I say quietly as he cuddles into me.

I walk out of my room and straight down to the living room so I can give Angelo some breakfast.

I walk in, not expecting anyone to be there so I place Angelo in his chair and go to the cupboard and get his porridge.

"Adele." My mum says which makes me jump and almost drop the porridge.

"Yes mum?" I say as I empty the sachet into a blue bowl and add the milk.

"Remember we need to have a chat." She says and I roll my eyes since she can't see me.

"Yes mum. Can I feed my child first?" I say, feeling rather annoyed at how bossy she is.

"Do not get smart with me." She says and I just ignore her as I place the bowl in the microwave for 3 minutes.

I walk to the table and sit with Angelo. He's still half asleep so he just looks at me with dozy eyes.

I laugh at him and tousle his blonde, almost ginger hair.

The microwave beeps so I grab a tea towel to take the bowl out as it's going to be boiling hot.

I bring it over the table and when Angelo sees it his eyes go wide and a big grin is on his face.

Definitely my son. I think to myself as I smile at him.

I wait for the food to cool down and then feed him.

I glance at my mum in the corner of my eye, sitting off on the sofa, all posh and shit.

I can't wait to leave here. I really, really can't.

I finish feeding Angelo and pick him up so I can go change his nappy.

Once I've done all that I grab his beaker and put juice in it, I hand it to him and lead him to his little play area.

"You play here for a while baby, mummy needs to talk to nan." I say and he smiles at me.

"Ok mumma. See you soon!!" He says excitedly, I grin at him and walk to my mother.

I sit down across from her and wait patiently for the grilling I'm about to get.

"Adele, what on earth did you think you were doing sneaking out last night?!" She asks and I take a deep breath so I don't yell at her.

"I just wanted freedom mother, I wanted to be a teenager." I say and she scoffs.

"I'm afraid your teenage years ended when you decided to be a little whore and get pregnant!" She says now getting angry.

I look at her in shock for a moment before replying.

"How dare you! How fucking dare you mother!" I say, trying not to raise my voice. Not caring that I just cursed in front of her.

"Adele Adkins, calm down right now!" She says and I take a deep breath, preparing to take the rest of the grilling I'm going to get.

"Where were you then?" She asks me and I look at my feet.

"The Folly." I say and she scoffs.

"What are you turning into Adele?" She asks me, clearly disgusted.

"I'm a teenager mother. Yes I've had a child but I am still a teenager. You can't take that from me." I say and she shakes her head at me, I stand up, about to leave the room.

"You better be careful Adele, you'll get into some serious trouble if your not." I don't acknowledge her words, I just walk away and get Angelo.

He holds my hand as we walk to my bedroom.

When we get there I get him to go on his play mat, I sit on my bed and take my phone out.

I get Simons number up and begin to write a text.

I got in serious shit with my mother over last night

That's all I simply say to him, I put my phone down and wait for him to reply.

A few minutes later my phone beeps.

That's the fun part, that's how we get you out of there. Up for it again tonight?

I smirk at his reply and quickly type a reply.

Heck yeah I am. Text me details.

I send the text and put my phone down.

I smile down at Angelo playing so innocently, he really hasn't got a clue what kind of shit his mother is getting herself into.

Hey guys! again sorry for a boring chapter. Once I get past the whole background of why Adele and Simon are on the run it'll get more interesting I promise. I hope you enjoyed anyway! X
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Run (book one)  🚬 a.a #WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now