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I took a few steps backwards as Simon came closer to me, I stared down at my feet as I felt his eyes burn into me, I felt nothing but pure fear in that moment.

"You know it's rude to eavesdrop right?" Simon says as he pins me against the brick wall in the alley.

I frantically nod my head, wanting so badly for him to let me go.

"And you should be punished for eavesdropping." He says quietly as his grip tightens on my wrists.

My eyes widen in fear and Simon laughs, he actually laughs, not even a crazy laugh, surprisingly. It was a laugh of amusement.

"I'm not going to hurt you if that's what your thinking." He says but his grip is still so damn tight on my wrists that I'm sure it will leave bruises.

"Can you let me go then?" I say, barely above a whisper.

"I need to give you a little warning first Miss Adkins." He says with a smirk on his face.

I don't say anything, I just wait for him to continue, I'm scared that if I speak I'll burst into tears.

"The person I was talking to, he's a dangerous man. It's not me you need to be scared of Adele. It's him. Remember that next time you want to eavesdrop." He says. I look at him in shock, I have so many questions but I'm scared that if I ask he will hurt me.

He lets go of my wrists and I feel a sense of relief at the loss of contact.

"Lets go." He says as he starts to walk out of the small alleyway.

I quickly follow behind him, holding the tears back for as long as possible but it's getting harder and harder as we walk.

I suddenly feel paranoid that someone is watching us and I walk faster, I stand beside Simon because even though I'm probably not safe with him, he's my best hope for being protected.

The walk to the flat is silent, that horrible uncomfortable silence that makes you feel like your ears are going to burst.

The only sound between the two of us is the sound of my shoes hitting off of the ground.

I want to speak but keep my mouth shut, I don't know how Simon will react if I say something and I really don't want to find out.

I can see our apartment up ahead and relax a little bit more.

Some shopping trip that was, I think to myself as we come closer to our apartment.

I see Simon take the keys out of his pocket, his grip on them is so tight that his knuckles are beginning to turn to a white colour, probably thinks I'm going to steal them and do a runner.

Nope, not that stupid or desperate just yet.

We turn into the tiny pathway that leads up to our door and he unlocks it, he steps in and immediately takes his shoes off and walks to the kitchen.

I follow in after him and do the same expect I make a turn for the bedroom.

I can't cope with being near him anymore, not right now anyway.

I sit on the bed and look at my wrists, already I can see bruises forming and I cringe at the sight.

I sit there for a while, just thinking about this situation I've gotten myself into and about Simon.

I wonder if he felt bad for hurting me like that, I wonder if he's being forced to do all of this but I shake my head free of the thoughts.

All I'm doing is giving myself false hope about him, false hope will get me nowhere.

I end up laying down and falling asleep.

I dream of my son and my life back home, I dream about how good things really were at home rather than being here.

I'm woken up by someone very noisily coming into the room, my body tenses up when I remember that it's Simon, I don't even check the time but it must be late since he's actually coming to bed.

I pretend that I'm still asleep as he climbs into the bed. I want to cry so badly but once again I have to hold back.

I close my eyes again, surprisingly
tired after sleeping for however long I slept.

Before I completely drift off, I'm pretty sure I heard Simon whisper something and I'm pretty sure I heard what he said.

"I'm sorry Adele."

Before I can think about it more I'm asleep again.

Hi guys! I'm sorry this is a boring chapter (once again) I hope you enjoyed it though, everything will make sense soon I promise❤️ please, please vote and comment! Xx

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