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Nothing was more annoying than doing business, while you were supposed to be doing “business.” I had to leave London upstairs sleeping in my bed while I called an emergency meeting the basement of my house. I’m sure you could tell how that made me feel. Ryder sat to my left while Wang sat to my right. I lit myself another cigarette before leaning into the table. “You know, usually I’m really calm about things, but right now I’m past calm and I’m borderline about to fuck someone up.”

“I don’t think Grant was the mole.” Ryder shrugged. “Or maybe he wasn’t the only one. I think Trevor looked suspicious at that table.”

“Yeah,” Wang started. “When you called his name, he looked as if he was about to confess every sin he’s ever commit.”

“So what you’re saying is, that Trevor is a probable suspect into the reason why my numbers are depleting?” I asked, exhaling a cloud of smoke.

“That’s exactly what we’re saying.” Ryder said, grabbing a cigarette of his own.

“Alright, I think we know what we have to do now.” I said, leaning back in my chair. Just as I was about to go over what needed to be done my dad rushed into the room with such a grim look on his face. “Dad? I thought you went out of town?”

“Care to tell me what happened today?” My dad roared. See, there’s one thing about my dad. He doesn’t like when decisions are made with out his knowledge. In fact, he hated it. He didn’t like the fact that soon I’ll be running his cartel when he decides to step down, so he let me build my own, and that’s not stopping him from making every decision for me instead of letting me do it myself.

“What’re you talking about?” I snapped.

“It’s all over the news! Grant? That kid’s bloodline is so thick with money you were stupid to kill him! You don’t know the war you started Jason! You don’t know the half!”

“Lower your voice dad, London is upstairs sleeping.” I said calming, rising from my chair. “Let’s talk about this.”

“No, there’s nothing to talk about Jason, you made this decision and you’re going to suffer the consequences. I thought I taught you this shit from the beginning.”

“Grant wasn’t necessary for us anymore. He was stealing money from us! Not just me.”

My dad looked completely dumbfounded…or maybe he was looking at me like I was the world’s biggest idiot on the face of this earth. “Grant didn’t need to steal money, he had his own. Do you know who Grant’s uncle is?”

“Why would I even care to give a fuck?”

“Because you need to do these things ahead of time! You need to make sure you’re making these right decisions on who you allow in your circle. Grant’s uncle is Esteban Guardo, he is top boss of a Salvadoran cartel, and he’s lethal Jason, very lethal. He can take your heart out your chest and make you watch it. He keeps tabs on everything, and you being as successful as you are, and being so goddamn young, you can bet he knows exactly who you are.”

“Isn’t that good?” Wang asked.

“No, it’s not fucking good. Grant being killed is starting a war you won’t be able to finish Jason, I’m so disappointed that you were so careless.”

“What do we do?” Ryder asked.

My dad ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. “You pick someone from your outer circle, place the blame on him and show no mercy. You contact Guardo and you make amends and fast or else he’s going to suspect something. You tell him that Grant being killed was a misunderstanding and you hand the guy over to Guardo if need be. If Guardo says no, you kill the guy anyways to show you mean business and you aren’t fucking around. You be as respectful as possible and you pay your respects saying that you couldn’t believe that one of your men was such a dumb ass and acted so carelessly. I can’t guarantee that he’s going to take all of it but it will simmer most of the fire. The thing is, who are you going to kill?”

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