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I kept thinking about London following Jason to his car last night and every time I replayed her getting inside his truck my blood started boiling in my veins all over again. My patience was killing me and so was my temper. It killed me how fast she always went back to that kid. No, she doesn't deserve what he does to her. He treats her like shit and I can treat her like a goddamn princess. It wasn't fair how I always ended up with the short end of the fucking stick. The only excuse I have to see her is the fact that she left her cheer uniform at my house last night when she changed. Maybe I could convince her that I was the one she needed. But, as of right now I was sitting in the study across from my uncle watching him take a drag of his cigar. "Uncle Esteban?"

He inhaled and exhaled. "What do you need help with Blake?"

"I have been thinking about your offer."

He leaned forward in his chair. "What are you talking about boy?"

"The offer you made me. You told me that if I worked for you I could provide for my family and help my mother. All this cartel shit, I'm in."

"You do understand I'm asking you to take care of my dirty work, right? That means you might miss some days, hell, even weeks of school to travel and do business for me. You're my mouthpiece; I trust you with this. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes." I nodded. "Under one condition."

Uncle Esteban chuckled, "You don't get to make the rules to this game Blake."

"Ah but you see, I know how you can take Jason down. I know his weakness."

He raised an eyebrow, "I'm listening."

"London Garcia."


I woke up to a wave of brown hair spread across the pillow. I inhaled and the scent of coconut and lavender filled my nose. I tightened my arms around London's waist as she shifted moving closer to me. I smiled. Last night was great. We made out, got hot and heavy but then before I could mess anything up I pulled away and told her that maybe she should go to sleep. I didn't want her to think that I was only about having sex with her because I wasn't. I cared about London far more than I've ever cared about anything or anyone. I wasn't about to fuck it up all over again. I wasn't a virgin and she knew that. But she also knew that I didn't go around fucking everything and anything. I've only had sex with three girls before I tied myself down to London. When I liked her I wasn't even sure that I was actually going to stick it through with her for two years. So even the night before I asked her out I had sex with some girl at some party Ryder dragged me to. When London and I finally did get together it was like nothing I'd ever imagined. Now I don't even see myself wanting any other girl in that way ever. The stirring in my arms brought me out of my inner monologue as I looked down into beautiful brown eyes. "Good morning beautiful."

She blushed. "Shut up, I know I'm far from beautiful right now."

Even though she did still have on the makeup from last night and the mascara was caked up under her eyes, and her red lipstick looked chalky on her lips I didn't care. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my entire life and she was all mine. Every last bit of her. "You're always beautiful to me."

The smile she gave me stole my breath away, "What time is it?"

"It's noon. I heard your mom leave about an hour ago."

"Probably a date with her lover." She groaned, pulling away from my body and getting out of the bed. Seeing London in nothing but my t-shirt and her underwear was something I could definitely get used to. Something about seeing her bare legs was so attractive to me. "What're you looking at?"

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