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“Why do you look like you just lost your best friend?” Blake said, sitting down at the lunch table across from me.

“Because my best friend decided to show up to school late.” I muttered, grabbing the Taco Bell bag he placed on the table. I peeked inside and saw a soft taco and a crunch wrap waiting for me inside. “But you’re also the best person in the whole world.”

“I couldn’t go to your favorite fast food place without getting what you liked.” He smiled, taking out the items and handing them to me, before taking a bite of his own soft taco. “What did I miss this morning?”

“Jason came to school early and found me at my locker.”

“Another falling out?”

“He told me he’s going to fight for me.”

“I’m not surprised. He always was a fighter.”

And a killer too. But I couldn’t tell Blake that. No matter how much it hurt Jason’s secret was safe with me. I wouldn’t put his business out there just like he wouldn’t do that to me. I’m not cruel, and I’m not like other girls. I wouldn’t throw you under the bus just because you threw me under one. “That’s not all that happened.”

“What you didn’t kiss him did you?” Blake asked, breaking into a laugh. When I didn’t answer a look that said “are you stupid?!” Covered his face and I couldn’t help but shrug. “You can’t kiss him and not get back together with him, what’re you trying to do give him blue balls?”

“Oh shut up!” I laughed, pushing his shoulder. Blake grabbed my arm and pushed it behind my back tickling me. “Okay, okay! You win!” I laughed.

“I always win. I am the champion.” He said, flexing his muscles with a smile on his face. Then all too quickly the smile faded and his defense went up. I followed his gaze and Jason was charging towards our table, making everyone look our way in the process. In a flash Blake was up, blocking me from Jason’s view.

“What’re you think you’re doing?” Jason said, going chest-to-chest with Blake. Blake was a bit bigger than Jason when it came to muscles but Jason has never cared how big the guy was, he was quick on his feet and his blows were lethal. Muscle on top of muscle was never a big deal to him. But Blake was a boxer, so he was pretty lethal too. I just didn’t see anything good coming from this fight. Jason looked around Blake’s big body. “London, come here.”

Blake blocked me from his view again. “She’s not yours anymore, you can’t order her around.”

Jason laughed. “Not mine? Not mine?” He looked around the cafeteria, “Everyone in this school knows that London is off limits, maybe you should learn that too. Save yourself the trouble.”

By the way Blake was clenching his fists I just knew there was going to be a problem. He was going to swing first and then get in trouble. Then he may have to sit out of this week’s game and I knew how much football meant to him. I got up and placed my hand on his chest, which I regret a second later because of the fire that ignited in Jason’s eyes. “Just walk away Blake, this isn’t worth it.”

“He thinks he can order you around just because you guys dated London. I’m getting sick of it; you’re not his anymore. The sooner he accepts that, the sooner you both can move on.”

“I’m not going to move on, but you better because London isn’t yours. You think she cares about your pitiful crush on her? No, she doesn’t. She never will. It’s me and it’s always going to be me.” Jason seethed. He was shaking now. Ryder stood up from the table and soon Wang was at his side. I knew that they would pull him back but Blake was my main concern now.

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