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By the time I woke up she was gone. I should've known because she never liked confrontation and she was scared. I was hurt...hell, I was beyond it. I knew that whatever it was couldn't be fixed, but I guess I just didn't want to. I got out of bed, rubbing my eyes slightly wincing at the pain. God, I cried so hard last night. I thought that maybe I could've had her back but I guess I was wrong. I guess that I was just as naïve as anyone else when I thought that London would've stayed with a guy like me. Blake was right, and I hated him for it. I hated him for being so damn right when it came to her. I hated him for being able to make her come back to him so fucking easily. I just wanted what he had with her. I wanted her to tell me she loved me and come back to me, telling me she forgave me. I knew I wasn't going to get that. I slowly trudged down the steps towards the kitchen seeing a girl in my t-shirt, with long brown hair flipping pancakes. It was then that the aroma of breakfast food filled the air. I felt my heartache. She was still here. When I sat on the counter beside the stove she looked up at me with a small smile. "It's seven in the morning, what're you doing up so early?"

"You weren't lying next to me." I shrugged.

"I thought you would want breakfast before school today. I let Georgie sleep in today, she really does need her rest." London mumbled, while walking over to the fridge to pull out eggs.

"Why are you still here?" I asked. She looked at me and all the color left from her face. She looked like she was about to cry. "No, not that I don't want you here, I just didn't expect you to stay."

"I wasn't going too." She whispered. "But the least I could do was make you breakfast before I left. I didn't expect for you to wake up."


"Yeah." The tension was thick and everything was silent besides the bacon cackling in the pan. When she took the eggs off the stove and placed them onto a plate my dad walked down the steps. "Good morning Mr. McCann."

"Oh London, this is a surprise!" My dad said, smiling. He turned to look at me with surprise in his eyes. I just shrugged and sat down at the table. London came over and placed a plate in front of me and placed another where my dad sat across from me. "You made breakfast? Where's Georgie?"

"I gave her the morning off. I thought she needed it." London said. "Well, I should go get dressed, I'm meeting Blake in fifteen minutes at Starbucks."

When she disappeared up the steps my dad looked at me, "I thought you two broke up."

"I asked her to stay the night with me last night. I really needed to just hold her one last time."

"Jason, you're just going to end up hurting yourself."

"I don't care. I rather hurt myself and force her to stay around than have her go and find some other guy."

"Well it seems like that's already happening. Who's Blake?"

"Blake Huevez, also known as her best friend." I sighed.

"Huevez... why does that last name sound so familiar to me?"

"The kids always on ESPN. He has college offers out of the ass for football. I gotta give it to him, at least he's good at something."

"Hmm...yeah maybe that's it." My dad said, taking a bite of his egg.

I watched as London walked down the steps with her bag over her shoulder and her keys in her hand. "You're not staying to eat?"

"No, I'll grab something from Starbucks." London shrugged.

"Oh come on, at least join us in breakfast." My dad coaxed. "It's rare that I see you leave so early. You're usually so reluctant."

All That Matters - A McCann StoryWhere stories live. Discover now