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JASON – one year later

I hated Brazil. I hated everything about Brazil and now maybe, I was finally getting out of Brazil. It was crazy. Even after everything I’ve been through I still couldn’t forgive myself for making the decision of getting off that plane with London. But now she was long gone and wasn’t even thinking of me anymore. I moved on…well, as much as I could. I have a girlfriend named Chantel but I can’t seem to love her the way she wants to be loved. I shifted in my bed and looked out of the window of the plane. Chantel’s hold around my waist kept me from getting up. I sighed and lay on my back looking up at the ceiling. I felt like crap. No, I felt way fucking worse than crap. Esteban let me go. He started getting sick. I heard rumors about cancer but none of them were confirmed nor denied. I just remember him calling me up about a week ago telling me that he was jumping out of the game to spend his last years with his family. I guess after Blake died two months ago, the stress took a toll on him as well. He got his nephew mixed in with this shit and I’m sure his nephew big ass mouth is what got himself in trouble. In all honesty, I felt bad, but not bad enough. Does that make me a bad person? I didn’t really care. He told me to go back to my girl and make things right. Yeah, well she didn’t want things to be right. I wrote letters to her every day for five months after she walked away from me. Esteban said something like, “she loves you, so make amends before it’s too late.” Yeah, well I think it’s already too late for me to be honest.

Although, it’s been a year and I still can’t seem but help and want London. I closed my eyes and thought of her face. It was the only thing that seemed to help me sleep anymore.


“Welcome home, son.” My dad said as him and Wang walked out of the house as Chantel and I walked up the driveway. “Hello to you too Chantel, I’ve heard lots about you.”

“I could say the same about you too Mr. McCann.” Chantel smiled.

“Please, call me Alec, I insist.” My dad smiled. His eyes diverted to Wang and then back to Chantel. “Let me help you back into the house.”

I looked at Wang who was shuffling on his feet. “What’s wrong? You seem nervous.”

“It’s just been a while, you know?” Wang asked.

“Yeah, I guess things did change.”

“Not with us. You’ll always be my boy, you know that right?”

“What happened?” I looked around and then it hit me. “Where’s Ryder?”

“He’s out with his girlfriend. She didn’t want to come today so he said he’ll catch up with you later.”

“Are you serious? He’s pushing me to the side for some slut he just met the other day? Esteban finally relieves me of my services and now the mother fucker wants to get a girl?”

“You don’t understand Jason.” Wang started.

“No, I understand perfectly.” I snapped. I started up the driveway to the door, and finally it clicked. It finally all settled in. I turned around and looked at Wang who had wide eyes. “He’s…Ryder’s with her?” I asked. Wang nodded his head. “How long?”

“Five months.” He whispered.

My heart fell and my chest caved. I bit back all my tears as I looked around for some goddamn escape. “How could he do this to me?”

“He’s a selfish bastard, I told him.” Wang paused. “He said he just went over to console her and one thing led to another.”

“Wait you mean they had sex?” I yelled. Wang just nodded again. “Where are they?”

“I don’t know. They might’ve gone out of town for all I know. All I know is that she didn’t want to be here.” Wang whispered. Just then we both turned around to see a red mustang pull into my driveway. Wang stood in my way and put his hand on my chest. “Jason, don’t go and do anything stupid.”

“I did something stupid when I walked off that plane with London instead of staying my ass behind.” I said through gritted teeth.


When Ryder pulled into the driveway I regretted my decision to come along with him. I thought I would see Jason and not feel anything for him anymore but in truth all the butterflies that were sleeping woke up as soon as my eyes laid on him. His jaw was clenched and I don’t even think he realized that I was in the car. Jason started charging towards the car and Ryder quickly got out. I did too. I ran over to the drivers side just as Jason threw a punch to Ryder’s jaw. “You piece of shit! I trusted you, and you do this to me? You take the only good thing I had?” Jason yelled.

“I’m sorry Jason, it just happened…I didn’t want to hurt you, but I was sick of seeing her hurt too.” Ryder said, holding onto his jaw.

Wang helped him up as I pulled Jason back by his t-shirt, but he shrugged me off. “Get off of me.”

“You need to think before you act.” I whispered.

“Me? What about you? Did you think about doing this to me? Did you do this because you hate me?”

I don’t hate you. “Jason, I deserve to be happy too.” Even if it is all a lie.

“Going around screwing my so-called best friend is what made you happy?”

I winced at his words. “You can’t say that.”

“I never cheat on you, ever. Not once. I would’ve never gone behind your back and went for someone like you did to me London. I loved you, and if I would’ve known my best friend was sleeping with the girl I was still in love with I wouldn’t have fucking come home.” Jason turned on his heel and made his way back up the driveway. “Get the fuck off my property.”

“Jason! Let’s talk about this!” Ryder called after him.

Jason turned around, “There’s nothing to talk about.”

“There is a lot to talk about.” Ryder said.

“I don’t want to hear shit that comes from your mouth. If your house is on fire and you’re burning alive, don’t call me. If your car gets stuck in the mud during a storm don’t fucking call me. Don’t think about calling me. Don’t even call me your best friend. Don’t say my name at all. If I hear you call my name one more time I’m beating it the fuck out of you. You got it?”

“Jason, you’re being really unfair.” I whispered.

“And you? You know how you hate me? Yeah, well I hate you too. I hate you more than I’ve hated anything on this goddamn planet. You walked away from me just to run into my best friends arms. Damn, it was probably apart of some plan the both of you had or some shit you know? You two probably admired each other from afar and you wanted him but I was just standing in the way.” Jason scoffed.

“Don’t say that.” I cried. “You know that’s not true.”

“I hate you London Garcia, now get the fuck off my property. All three of you. Get the fuck off and don’t fucking come back.”

“Dude!” Wang said.

“You guys are dead to me.” He whispered before walking away leaving me.

Just the way I left him a year ago. 


Also, if you're a Harry Style or Niall Horan fan, my alt. account is called harrystyling where i will be posted all of my one direction fanfiction. so far, i have two on there so please do me a favor and check them out and tell me what you think :-) 

External Link is on the side. (also my account is the person this chapter is dedicated to)

Also, if you have any free time, please check out my YouTube channel and subscribe! New videos every Wednesday!! (link to current video on the side) 

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