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Last night I went home and packed a bunch of shit in a bag and wrote a note telling my dad I’d be back whenever. Of course once I told Wang and Ryder that I would be leaving for some time they were at my house in a matter of ten minutes with a bag in their hand. We drove to LA and got a hotel, went to a few bars got in three fights and brought some girls back to our suite around 6 in the morning. I didn’t have the heart to do anything but get my dick sucked, but I think that if I weren’t drunk I wouldn’t have even done that.  I was still in pain, and now I was sitting in the backseat of my truck nursing a hangover as we made our way back to Vegas. Tonight was the game before the homecoming game and Ryder promised one of the cheerleaders he’d be at the game to see her cheer. I remember those days. I wouldn’t be able to go to the game and watch London look all good standing on the field cheering for some dude that was probably plotting my death with his uncle as we speak. I groaned and rolled down the window. “Who the hell farted?”

“Not me.” Ryder said, following my lead, rolling the windows down.

“Sorry boys.” Wang laughed.

“What crawled up your ass and died?” Ryder chuckled, pushing Wang’s shoulder.

“We should be asking Jason that.” Wang pointed out.

“Yeah dude, why the surprise trip all of a sudden?” Ryder asked.

“None of your business.” I groaned.

“That’s code for, London.” Wang whispered to Ryder.

“Look, its none of your business for what happened between me and her.” I snapped.

“I take it she didn’t take you back.” Ryder mumbled.

“Worse.” I whispered. “She told me she never loved me.”

“You don’t believe her right?” Wang asked.

“Yeah, I doubt she would’ve stayed with you for two years if she didn’t love you.” Ryder added.

“She seemed pretty damn convincing to me.” I sighed, looking out the window. We were just making it back onto the Vegas line and I could feel every bit of me tense up. I was going to see her tonight, whether it was at the game or at the party. What the hell am I going to do? Do I just walk away or do I let her say? That wouldn’t be fair considering she didn’t let me explain anything; she just assumed that I was just a cold bloody killer because I fucking wasn’t. Ryder and Wang didn’t push any more answers out of me nor did they ask or talk about it for the rest of the ride home. We just listened to music, I’m pretty sure, waiting for the night and whatever it held.


We won the game tonight, which meant people were automatically going to be at any and every party tonight. The party of the night was going to be at Blake’s house though, and everyone knew that. He was star quarterback, which meant all of the Cranebrook’s elites were going to be there. I was upstairs changing (and silently thanking my mom for forcing me to get a mani-pedi yesterday) into a red mesh dress; that my mother had picked out the day before. I strapped on my sandal like heels and let my raven hair hang down. I put on my cuff bracelet and two rings and checked myself out in the bathroom mirror. I looked all right; I didn’t want to do too much for tonight. For all I knew I could end up in the pool and I was not about to risk looking good just to have raccoon eyes for the rest of the night. The knock at the door caused me to jump but I opened it to see Blake in a fitted black t-shirt and a pair of jeans that hung low on his hips.

“Jesus London, you look gorgeous.” Blake whispered.

I blushed, “Oh shut up.”

“No I really mean it, you look great. I like the dress.”

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