That's not Carter...

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(Caroline’s POV)

“Carter, I’m closer than you think…” I bluff.

“I’m sure you are…” I enjoy our taunting each other.

“For all you know I could be right behind you.” I say honestly not knowing where he is.

“Oh Caroline, if you were right behind me I’d hear. You’re not a quiet person.”

“Carter when I find you you’re gonna get it!”

“Oh Caroline, we all know I’ll find you.”


“Yes everything living in this vast forest knows you will lose this game just like the other 99% of the time.”

“I don’t know…This may be that other 1%...”

“Sure but I doubt that, you always seem to-”

The cut off of the walkie-talkie means it’s time to start the hunt for each other. I’m glad I kept track of which way he was going.

I head back the way I came, hiding behind anything I could to keep him from remotely spotting me. After a couple of minutes of no success I change directions.

I walk on, and after a while I hear a rustling in the bushes. Carter I have you now.

The noise is near our climbing tree, the tree named for the fact that it’s always been our hangout tree sense…forever.

Figures he’d hide there. He’s one of those people who likes to hide right beneath your nose. I ‘secret agently’ make my way to the tree. I shake a branch of a tree every now and then, to confuse him on where I’m at.

I am so close to him…he’s right there…I make the jump…

“Gotcha Carter!!!”  I instantly turn white…that’s not Carter…it’s a wolf…

I can’t move. He’s staring at me, I think he’s gonna pounce. I watch him as he’s slowly moving toward me. On instinct I reach up at climb the tree. The wolf makes a horrific noise as he almost bites my leg.

Breathing heavily I rest on a high enough branch that’ll both support me and keep him from getting me.

Tears are now streaming down my face as I fumble my pocket to get my walkie-talkie and turn it on.

“Carter…!” I gasp through a frightful sob. Please be in range, please oh please Carter…

“Caroline…?” Oh Thank God! “Caroline, what’s wrong? Is everything okay?”

“Wolf. Carter, wolf…” was all I could muster through my sobs.

“Shit, Caroline where are you!?”

“Our Tree…” I bite my lip to keep another sob from escaping.

“Oh! Okay! I don’t think I’m far! Hang in there! Please!”

Grasping the walkie-talkie tightly in my hand I wrap my arms around the tree. I sit and watch the wolf circle the tree before there is a rustling…Carter…

“…I could’ve sworn she was-” the voice stopped mid-sentence. I guess he sees the wolf.

However, I know that voice isn’t Carters…

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