'The Look'

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After that awkward conversation I seem to more of a listener than the talker, which for me that is something. I listened to Mrs. Riley talk about Eric, what good times they had together, how he was her first…well, everything. Her first boyfriend, her first love, her first life, her first…I didn’t quite catch the word but it had the word verge in it. Verge in something…I don’t know, but I didn’t care to ask. She began talking about how they met and how she knew he was the one, the look in his eyes.

This had me interested. I sat up a little in my chair to show that interest. I get how you can see things in people’s eyes. I mean, I myself saw safety in his. But, love?

“How?” I asked her in mid-sentence, which startled her a little.

“How what, Sweetie?” she asked confused.

“How could you tell he’s the one? Like, how could you tell from his eyes?”

She smiled thoughtfully and picked up one of my hands and encased it between the two of hers, “Oh, Caroline, You’ll know it when you see it. I can’t explain it. But Caroline, when you see it you will wanna stay forever in his arms!” I smirk at her remark. “Ah…Oh but also, you must remember, the love is there in the beginning, love is always there…When that shimmer shines in his eyes, oh, THAT is when you know it’s forever.” I feel an ear to ear smile as I think about what I’ve been told.

“Oh, it’s getting dark, I better be getting you home for dinner!”

“No, you don’t have to do that, Riley. I can walk.” She gave a pleading look as we hear a faint howl of a wolf in the distance. I feel my knees get wobbly at the sound, “You know what a ride sounds nice!”

She lightly pinched my cheek as we head out to her Jeep. As we drive home I think about love in eyes as the wind wisps through my dark head of hair. The scenery seems to be glowing in the moonlight, I wonder if ‘the glare’ would look like that.

As we pull up to my house my mother waves to us from the window. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door, then I freeze for a moment…then I lean back in to hug Riley. She wraps her arm around me and whispers in my ear,

“I’ll be gone by tomorrow…The rental family will be there most likely…I want you to visit an make an impression, welcome them…they’re new to this form of scene being city people and all…”

I lean back to look at her and nod my head. I hop out of the Jeep and make my way to the porch of my home. I turn back to wave at her before she goes and right before she pulled out she yelled something I will never forget,

“Caroline, maybe you’ll find ‘the look’ in that lil’ boy Harry’s eyes…Maybe that’s his natural color…” and with that she was gone.

I know she was joking and all, but maybe…

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