Chapter 2

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"U-umm I was going to the human world..." I tell the guards

"And for what cause!" They yelled

"Uh to see my brother if he is dead or alive.." I replied

"That's not enough!" They yelled

"What? Oh uh I need souls!" I yelled back reading something about demons eating souls? But I never ate a soul before neither has brother he and I never ate human souls before so we just starve eating human food in the demon world..

"Alright you may pass!" They said and got out of my way and I walked into the portal...


"Yea wow"

The human world was so how do I put it...weird and there are so many humans walking. Also their are weird shaped buildings and it was a town I assume. So I walked into the town holding kitty.

So many people bumped into me and they didn't even notice me..

"No one is hurting each other.." I said and kitty purred into my hands

"HEY! You! You stole that cat from me!!!!!!" I look up to see a man running towards me!

"Give it to me!" He try's to take kitty from me

"Hey! LET GO!!"  I yelled and slapped him hard and my eyes turned into my demon eyes as I glared at him holding kitty close..

"M-monster! Your a monster!!!!" He freaked out

Claude never told me that I should hide my demon self from humans so I didn't know what to do and why he was so scared.

"Don't you dare touch my cat!" I growled and was about to attack him when.

"Sebastian! Stop her and bring her into the carriage."

Then a tall figure came up towards me and I sense he was also a demon. "It looks like you caused a commotion please come with me" he said

"I don't know you." I said stepping back

"She's a DEMON A MONSTER!!!!." The man yelled

"Alright as long as I could get away from that petty human." I said and went with him inside a carriage.

I sat down with kitty on my lap and I looked in front and there was a young human boy.

And then the man himself came inside and it was the four of us


"I know kitty I know"she said that the man was  a very strong demon....

"So what's your name?" The boy asked

"Why do you want to know." I said and I held kitty closer

"Well I just saved you from getting caught that your a demon now didn't I?" He said

"Didn't they already know demons exist? And that I was a demon?" I asked

"Are you crazy no human knows other then the ones who have contracts with a demon" he replied

"Contracts?" I ask not knowing what it meant

"Do you not know what a contract is cause you should your a demon."the tall man said

" I never been outside...kitty and I were always inside a building and never been out of it till today.." I said

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