Chapter 11

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Persons pov...

"Alright to be sure she's the one I must try it but I have to be careful so she doesn't hurt anyone yet" I say to myself

I grab the red stone and go to the place the girl is so far all I know her name is _____ she's a cat demon and lives in the Phantomhive manor.

I see her staring out the window hehe the cat fell asleep it's time!

I go up to the window but back away when the door opens In the room it was the other demon Sebastian was his name....

Once he left the room I held the red stone high near the window and the listened..

"N-no Stop!" I heard her scream the powers are working I quickly put the stone away and run before I get caught.

Hehe she's the one.

Your pov....

When I woke up I felt pain in my arm but soon I began to heal it. I saw kitty next to me asleep. But what happened last night? I can't remember right.

My head was pounding hard and it hurt. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself just to see my neko form.

I'm not sure why but I went back out to the room. Kitty was dead asleep and wouldn't wake up she looked so tired.

I need a glass of water and the training I did we kitty and Seb helped me cause now kitty and I could be separated for a little while.

So I went down stairs trying to catch myself from falling I continued to walk down the stairs until I got to the kitchens door.

I looked inside to see bardroy finny and meyrin.

"Hello Ms! How are you???" Finny asks

"I'm good thanks how are you all?" I ask as I get a glass of water.

"Were happy and thinking of a plan to get the young master to smile!!!" They say and I laugh

My head it starting to hurt again..... I see a vision a red stone?

It's my memory from last night what is that red stone?

I held my head

"Are you alright Ms?" Mey rin asked

"Y-yes please excuse me" I say and put the glass of water down which I still never drank.

I walk into the hall way everything started to close in on me I hated it I need to get out!  I saw a window then a red flash came to view... I see the red stone! I couldn't control my self or my powers they started to guide me to the window. The red mist circled the stone and the back mist pushed me toward it.

The more I got closer the the stone the more pain started to form inside of me..and I felt myself transforming into my neko form.

"K-kitty.....K-KITTY!!" I yell but I grab the stone and pass out and all I see is someone carrying me away from the manor...."kitty...."

Kitty's pov...

When _____ fell asleep I Layed down with her as Sebastian left the room.. in the middle of night _____ wakes up and uses her power and was about the jump out the window but the awesome cat I am stopped her and it was like war trying to get her to sleep again. That took about 4 hours to do until she fell asleep again then I feel asleep and I know I wouldn't wake up easy the next morning.

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