Chapter 9

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Today was the day I go to the Phantomhive Manor I can't wait to see Ciel and the servants and mostly Sebastian!!!

As the sun was rising I started look around for what I could take but found nothing I never brought anything with me other then a knife.

"Meow meow meow meow"
(Since Sebastian and River know about your powers can't you tell them about your neko form?) kitty asked me

"Well maybe and I hope so cause I really need to stretch in my cat and neko form."I tell her and she nods

I open my bedroom door and we walk out.

We walked into the dining room where Alois was eating and Claude stood behind him.

"Good morning"I say to them both

"Good morning so I've heard your leaving today aren't you? And why is that? Don't you enjoy your stay here or is it my servants?" He said

"Nah you could say I 'enjoyed' it"I say and he nods trying to understand what I said

I really don't like talking boring talks so I answer in a ending voice.

I just was about to walk out the door until
"Where are you going?" Claude asked

"Phantomhive manor...?"I say back

"And who's taking you ?" He asked again

"My legs?"

"Your walking?"

"I think so yea"

"Wouldn't you prefer a carriage?"

"No to boring"

"Do you even know the way?"

"I'll find out"

"You'll get lost"

"Then I'll die"



"Ugh just go..." he says and I laugh hehe I love to annoy the heck out of him.

I walked out of the dining room hearing alois laugh behind me and out side to the front gate as kitty followed me

"Meow meow meow meow meow"(one day he is going to blow up..)she laughs

"Hehe come on lets go"I say and we walk into the woods..

"Meow meow" (are you transforming?)

"Yup" I say and *sPaRkEL* *SpArKeL* (you just turned into a cat with your powers and now you could talk normally with kitty and no one will understand you)

"Arrrrrh I haven't stretched like that since day one" I say

"Wow I forgot how amazing you looked in your cat form!!! And that necklace I remember it" Kitty says (pic above)

"Wow yea I forgot about my necklace to heh I love this thing" I Say and touch it

"Ok so which way is the Phantomhive manor?" Kitty asks
"Uh I think this way" I say unsure but we go.

I'm a full on black cat with purple death eyes I've had the necklace with me since birth and never took it off.

"______? Are you sure were going to the righ- ahhh" kitty yelled and two gloved hands picked her up "KITTY!!" I yell and look up to see the person holding her.....

I'll let you guys guess who you think it is first comment who you think it is.

And I see non other then

YOU LIED, but's it ok..{BlackbutlerXreader}Where stories live. Discover now