Chapter 22

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Your pov...

I have no choice really. They've been gone for a whole two days! and I'm SCARED!

Some of them are humans they won't live! I have to act fast.

Kitty then came into the room and I look at her

I need to keep her safe... she can't come with me

" can you and River and your new friend, Tide go out and find clues?" I asked kitty she looked at me confused but nodded as she left to go to Tide and river.

"Ok this is my chance!" I Say. As I write down a note for kitty..

I'm sorry..

I then jump out the window and run back to the shack.

*timeskips* once I got to the shack I decided to check what ??? Was which I was pretty sure was where they took my family and friends.

...I opened the portal, looked back to the world before me knowing that I won't see it again, and I leave.good bye kitty.

*meanwhile with everyone else*

3rd pov...

Sebastian and everyone else were hanging from their arms.. it was more painful for the humans than the demons.

The Phantomhive servants didn't know what was going on, but they said nothing.

"Well well well I'm surprised you've all lasted till now, I was waiting for a painful death, and hurtful screams." The lord Smirked

"So now which one of you want to volunteer to tell me were the girl is?" He asked circling them

"We don't know she ran away she could be dead!" Paige yells

"Let us go"

"Hahaha ya no. You see one of my former workers caught her. Drag was his name. But he decided to keep her all to himself with a petty angel! But she got to kill him for me so less work for me" he chirped

"And if you do get her what would you do!" Sebastian yelled

"Isn't it obvious I'd take her power. She's more powerful then you think. She can ripe the universe in a slit second if she wanted to. And I need that power that's held in her heart. So now then tell me where she is" he asks

"We d-don't k-k-know" one of the servants say.

"Sebastian! I order you to get us out of here and kill this man!" Ciel yelled

Sebastian tried but couldn't and he kept trying "I'm sorry my lord but I- can't" he says as he looks over to Claude.

Claude was silent now he looked emotionless when deep down he was devastated..

"Foolish creatures. No one can escape my chains AHAHHAHAA" the lord said

"Who a-are yo-u"Alois asked shivering

"Who am I? Well I'm -

Your pov....

This place looked so boring. But then it looked so creepy at the same time.

How I wish kitty was with me..

I started to walk down the rodes...

Then I saw people and heard them arguing "well I found the manor! And so I should get all the credit!"

"Ya but I was the one who held them down!"

YOU LIED, but's it ok..{BlackbutlerXreader}Where stories live. Discover now