Chapter 7

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Sebastian's pov.....

"MEOW!" I hear kitty run in and Claude after her and she runs to _____ and _____ passes out

"Meow! Meow meow meow meow!"kitty said

"We won't understand you cat.." Claude said "but please help her.."

Kitty just glares at him and I call River over

"Why is he here...?"Claude asked

"He is going to translate now just stay back you've done enough.." I said

And Claude growls but stands back..

(Ok so there is going to be a lot of 'meows' and 'craa' so I'm just letting you know it's just gonna be one for now)





I look over to River and he starts "she says that ____ has powers which she never told anyone even Claude about it and that _____ can't handle and control her powers so she needs kitty to help her balance it out you will know something is wrong when her eyes turn black." He finishes

"Why didn't she tell anyone..about it" I ask as Claude  gets curious and mad

"What did he say." Claude asks but I ignore him





Then river comes back to me

"Kitty says that ever since ______was young all she remembered from her parents was that her parents told her 'keep your powers a secret'  but ____ always had doubts and didn't know what to do so she kept it private."

"But that doesn't make sense why would she not tell anyone if it's hurting her.?"'I ask

"What? Tell me Michaelis!" Claude demands

"I don't know if I should tell you let ____ decide." I say

"I'm her brother I know everything about her!" He said

"Then you wouldn't need to know.."I say and he goes mad and pins me on the wall

"If you dare touch her in any way I will I repeat will tear you limb by limb! I won't allow you to have her!" He says and let's go

I just smirk~

"Meow meow!" Kitty says

"She said get out all of us" river translates

"She said we have to leave the room." I said

"And why should I go you may be lying."Claude says

"Well your the Lier here so you should know who lies and who doesn't." I smirk and he growls

"Meow!" Kitty hisses at us and we all go out

YOU LIED, but's it ok..{BlackbutlerXreader}Where stories live. Discover now