Chapter 1

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First thing this is your cat named kitty!!!!!!! Read and you will understand!!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Years ago:

"Claude! Claude! Your home!!!!" I yelled running up to big brother

"Hello _____ how are you I missed you so much" he replied

"I'm good but why do you always have to mommy and daddy.."I said a little sad

"____! I would never just leave you alone forever our parents abused us and tortured us and threw us out! I would never leave you ever!!" He said hugging me

"Then can I go outside?" I asked "I never been outside and I want to meet someone" I said with a smile

"NO! I've told you how horrible it is out their and yet you want to go?" He asks

"I'm sorry I won't ask again...."I said and after are little chat I ran to my room....Claude never let me open windows and he didn't trust me so he caged them and the only friend I had was my cat that always followed me like the spider that always follows Claude......

Claude taught me so much and I hate my parents for throwing us out and I hate HATE humans and other demons scare me ever since Claude told me what they can do.

Now many years later:

"Ughhhh the guy has been gone for 22 years where is Claude!!! Omg what if his dead!!! I have to go find him!!" I yelled and ran to the door "WAIT! I CANT Claude told me I should never go outside but! No! I can't what about the demons I have to get through and then the humans!!!"

I was so scared I didn't know what to do then my cat meowed and I looked at her

"What is it kitty?" I asked her and yes I'm a cat demon and Claude is a spider demon and he may be dead and I don't want to be alone!

"Meow meow meow meow"

"You know what your right! I must go he could be dead or even worse! Dying!"

"Meow meow meow?"

"Right! I should take a weapon just in case... you coming,and remember don't talk to anyone." I told her

"Meow meow meow!" She said

"Oh right I can't let them see my ears and tail!!"I say and a transform into my 'human' form

And she nodded..kitty was my only friend and she always helped me when Claude wasn't there but I will find Claude and save him if he isn't dead yet!!

"Ok here goes nothing." I unlocked the door and opened it... the demon world........"meow"

"Shhhh"  I picked up kitty and locked the door and ran and I kept running and running.. but why? I have no idea where I'm going!??!! "OMG kitty I Left the HOUSE CLAUDE IS GOING TO KILL ME!!!!" I had a panic attAck

"Meow meow meow"

"but I don't know how to get to the human world!!" I told her and hid from everyone (everydemon)

"Meow meow"

"What do you mean 'just ask' are you crazy Claude told me never to talk to anyone and how scary they all are...!!" I said

"Meow meow meow meow meow"

"Hey ok just because Claude also said never to leave the house does not count!"


"Your difficult but right.. if Claude's dead then it doesn't matter but you ask!!" I said pushing her out


"Ugh fine I'll ask but if I get in trouble its all on you!!!"


I got up and watch demons fly and stroll like they are innocent and like they don't eat their kids and ripe each others heads

"Meow!" Kitty said and tried to push me near a demon lady which she was a butterfly demon...don't ask how I know cause there are totally not 5 butterflies around her...

I went up to her and then hesitated


I just glare at kitty

Ok...I could do this...if she ripes my head off my body then I will miss you Claude..
I tapped her shoulder

"Oh well hi there what can I do for you?" She said with a sweet voice..

"Um.." I couldn't talk I was to scared

"Why are you afraid dear? You don't have to worry about me I don't bite unlike those petty dogs over there." She said

"Ca.." I couldn't I was to scared

"Are you alright honey-" she got cut off by kitty "meow.."

"Oh why your a cat demon no wonder your kind of demons are known to be shy.. oh come on there must be something you have to say what's your name.?" 

I didn't reply

"Oh come on now I won't ripe your head off and hurt you, cats and butterflies are friends!" when she said that I froze

"Y-you c-could d-do that..." I freaked out

"Obviously not why on Satan would you think that? I may be a demon but I know no demon does that unless there mad."

"WAIT so demons don't ripe out others heads and abuse each other and kill their own kids!?" I ask

"No why your acting as if you actually thought we do. Your a demon yourself you should know."  She said

Yea I should know.....

"SO is there anything you would like to ask since you did?" She asked

"Uh yes umm do you know how to get to the Human world?" I ask picking up kitty

"Well yes but a demon your age should already know what's your name?" She asked

"If I give you my name would you tell me?" I asked needed to know

She nodded and I told her

"Why _____ is a lovely name. Well my name is Reba if you ever need anything come to me and here is how you get to the human realm. Good bye ____!" She said and handed me a map of where I was meant to go

"Meow meow meow meow.."

"Yea but do you really think she was telling the truth cause Claude told me that they do ripe each other up every hour of the day..but non of them were.." as we both walked to the portal I couldn't stop thinking about what she told me....

Did Claude lie to me.....?

"MEOW!" Kitty scream and I looked up to see the portal next to a giant castle..

"Satan....." I said out loud and then when I picked up kitty and was about to walk into the portal when guards stopped me

"Where do you think your going? And for what cause?" They said and I was freaked and so was kitty..

We were on are own and it was a new adventure we are facing together...

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