Chapter 12

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Hey guys so ^ this is a drawing I did for this story I have another one but that's for another chapter. Read and then Come back to the drawing!!!!!

Your pov......

I woke up and was in a different place this time...the room was silent no sound at all...

Then the door opens and it was the man that same man from the nightmare I had when I was young..

Flashback:to your young self nightmare.

I was sitting down on the grass that I have read about in the human world and kitty was next to me so was Claude. We all were playing together and smiling until the sun turns into a red stone then I loose control and turn into my cat form and then I start to attack Claude and I killed him and kitty was Starring at me feared and then the man came and told me I did a good job and that there was more to come in my life then to die.....

End of flashback:

I never told Claude about my powers and that was why I didn't want to hurt him......

But what was going on?!

"Who are you!" I ask

"I'm your new master my name is Drag and you will work for me with your powers weather you like it or not!" He said

"Why do you want me and how do you know about my powers!!"

"Those powers you have right now used to be mine and i lost them because I tried to kill the ones close to me... but they got away as so did my powers so I will need you to kill those people for me!" He said

"N-no I won't do it! YOU CANT MAKE ME PLEASE LET ME GO BACK!" I yelled starting to feel weak I needed kitty

"Look at this!" He pulls out the red stone and the closer it got to me the more pain went threw me.

"W-what I-is t-that it hurt!" I scream

"This is the only stone that helps me control the powers you hold I created it to only listen and follow my orders and so with the bracelet you have on now!.." I look down at my hand I didn't see that i didn't know I had that on it wasn't mine!! " I will put this stone in it and you will only be able to be in your cat form when I command and if you deny then if I were you I would think twice if you ever want to see your family again!" Drag says and I went to shock.

"Y-you stay! Stay away from them!!" I yell at him and he smirks the brought the stone closer to me and then out of my control my powers started to run out of me and into the stone (pic above) I felt so weak it hurt so bad but then he grabs my hand and puts the stone into the bracelet and I transformed into my cat form and now I can't control anything of my body not even my crys...I could transform back to human form not even neko or demon!

"P-please..." I let out a small cry

"Sorry sweetie but you will help me and if you want to see your family and friends ever again you will do as I plan..." he says

"Ha what I'm I kidding I'm going to trap them as well using you as Bate!" He says and I grew scared....and then He left the room...

I started to control my body a little he put chains from my neck to the wall I tried to get out but I couldn't! I don't want to kill anyone I don't want the kill the ones I love! I can't!

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