Chapter 23

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"SHES GONE AGAIN!" Claude couldn't handle this anymore. Right now they were all back at the Phantomhive Manor.

"Why would she do that!?"

"That's not my sister! Ugh!"


"I can't believe it!"



"Calm down. Look you and I both know that wasn't our ______ she would never say such things" Sebastian said

"Well after their arrival wouldn't you say that!" Claude looks over to his parents, glaring

"Look I thought we were over this." His dad says

"Oh shut up! She's gone because of you guys!"

"Well non of this would of happened if you didn't jump to conclusions of thinking we were horrible parents that would give our baby poison!" His mother said..

"MEOW!" Then they all looked over to kind Kitty with tears in her eyes

"Kitty are you alright?" They asked

She showed them the note and they looked away

"She's asking where _____ is now" Sebastian said listening to River

"Kitty she's gone..she gave up here life for us" Ciel says and kitty looks frightened and runs off.

Claude couldn't handle anymore of this and he just went outside.

Claude's pov..

It's all their fault! I was just saving my baby sister! UGH!

Why would she do that....I failed as a brother.

He started to demon up..but hid from the others so they don't see.

Your pov...

Silence was in the air and I was now sitting in an odd room.

The Lord who's name I still don't know, left me here.

I was thinking about kitty...Claude..everyone..kitty she must know by now what I'm up to...I hope

Kitty's pov..

Oh my Satan! She seriously left and I can't be there!!! But I know what's going to happen..and I don't this think it's the right way...but If that's the only way I could get her back I will allow it...please be careful ______...

I need you alive..

3rd person..

______ closed her eyes and black mist rose with red mist. The guard who was watching her was now dead. She got up and continued to walk. Thinking if I want this to happen then I must get to the heart of this world...

She then heard footsteps and closed her powers to see "oh there you are where's your guard?" The lord says

"He died" she says "I guess your security isn't as best as you thought" she smirks and he frowns "your right"

"YOU IDIOTS GET ME MORE GAURDS!" The lord yelled to the other two.

Hmm if he takes my word for this all maybe I can-

"So what shall we do until you free yourself to me?" The lord smiles

"Maybe, the heart of the world id love to know what controls it here" I smirk as he nods.

"Our world is actually quite unique its demonic yet angelic dont you agree?" He went on and on about how great he and his world was as I nodded.

But then we got there.. the Onyx Heart.

"It's quite beautiful" I said as the Onxy (which is dark dark black) was giving off red smoke...

"Yes. Yes it is" the lord said

"Now let's get going before I kill you! we are having a celebration of your surrender! Hehe but don't worry once I take your power from you, your going to someone else." The lord said smirking which I was now confused of. What did he mean by that?

It was 'night' for these creatures and so everyone was resting for the party tomorrow morning...

I was set in a room that was guarded all around.

Even if I manage to get out...where do I go?
Back to earth? To kitty, Sebastian Claude? Will they except me once again? Oh my I've been a huge pain haven't I! But what in the world did the lord mean to someone else! Who will I go to once my powers are gone? I better get out quick!

"Haha" I heard from every corner I didn't know if it were the guards or not but it was a Creapy laugh...

*next morning*

I didn't sleep all night I did not trust this place. But the lord came and took me outside near the Onxy Heart. He made me stand up as people gathered around.

Perfect now just to do it at the right time...

"Greeting my fellow subjects! We have gathered here today to celebrate our prize! We will have the power of the gods and we will be invincible! " the lord yelled out

"Now take out your gems" he said and everyone.. took out the gems that can control have to do it NOW!

As the lord was talking I started, my hair rose and I was being surrounded by black and red mist.

"What in the world is going on!" The lord looked over to me and a few tears came down because it hurt with the gems trying to control me..

I look over to the Onxy Heart and it was shaking rapidly and smoking, "THE HEART! What are you doing!!" The people yelled

I grabbed the heart and held it close to my heart. It soon went into me and disappeared like that but then that wasn't over..

My eyes turned all black my wings came out my horns came out blood was dripping from my face. Some of the people dropped dead because of my appearance. "W-what a-a-are y-you! Your no devil! Your horrifying!!!!" The lord shrieked

But I had too much power. And I had to let it go.. and I did..

*passed out*

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