Chapter 3

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Your pov.....

The next day I wAtched the sun rise and it was just beautiful...but I couldn't stop the think that kept bumping my head was not knowing if brother lied or not....

"Meow meow"

"Yea it is pretty.."

By now I would transform into my neko self but I never let anyone see my neko form cause it came with something I have...

I went and sat on the bed. I really didn't need a bed I don't sleep but eh..

"Meow meow meow meow meow"

"No way I doubt that Claude would be mad at me he never is and if I just tell him why I'm here he would understand right?..."

'Knock knock' "Ms.______ are you in there?" I hear Sebastian

"Yes.come in"

"Good now my master would like for you to join in breakfast in 5 minutes" he said and I nodded and he left I went to the wardrobe and picked out a (your choice dress) and went down stairs kitty following behind

"Good morning Ciel" I said walking inside

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" He asked

"Uh Ciel I'm.. a demon" I told him
"Oh right never mind then" he said

We talked and talked about things that didn't really matter but finally it was time for Ciel to go to his study and everyone to go to work expect me and kitty.. I got up and kitty followed


"The garden? Ok let's go"

We walked to the garden and I have never seen such beautiful flowers and the smell was amazing

Kitty rolled around the grass

"Oh uh you must be Ms._____! I'm finny it's nice meeting you" the boy who walked up to me was the gardener here and we both got along quite well he told me how much he loved the outside and that he was always kept inside before he came here and I related to that but kept all the hell and demon parts out.

Finny and I became great friends! He told me everything about each flower in the garden and that the white roses are Ciels favorite.

After that I let kitty stay with finny and I walked into the manor and into the kitchen. There I met Bradroy and then meyrin and those two introduced me to Tanaka.

I was walking to my room and as I entered it I felt someone following me. I ignored it and walked into my room and just to be pin down by Sebastian.

"Sebastian what are you doing..?" I asked a little frightened by the sudden movement.

"I can't control myself when I'm around you and I don't know why." He said and my heart skipped a beat.

And I started to blush... I'm not a strong demon actually I'm really weak to be a demon and it's all on Claude. Then he kissed me on the lips....


"I'm sorry.." he said and got off

"No it's ok."

"So I could do it again?" He smirked and looked at me and I knew I was as red as a tomato...

"Uh- I-Um....if you want....."

He smirked and kissed me again as I kissed back..

After that he left to do his duties and then I sat down on my bed and just thought about what the hell happened.

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