Chapter 1

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"Stop it Sam..." She laughed as he wrapped his arms around her waist placing his lips to her neck. He smirked leaning to one side with her as he smiled up at her. "I love you." She smiled twisting to one side placing a hand to his cheek. "I love you too..."

Their lips crashed together as she turned to face him, kneeling up to straddle his waist as she deepened the kiss. Her arms draped around his shoulders as his hands pressed to the small of her back. A smile crossed his lips before he lay backwards with her, a laugh escaping her lips.


She crossed the bedroom picking up a bag as she threw it to the bed. Moving to the wardrobe she pulled his clothes from the hangers and pushed them into the bag. "I can explain, please just listen to me-" "Get your hands off of me!" She pushed his hands away and lifted her head to look at him.

She desperately fought off the tears, continuing to push down the emotions that were running through her. "You don't have to do this-" "And you didn't have to sleep with her." The words were enough to shatter her as saying it aloud made it all so real. Closing her eyes he stepped closer moving his hands to her arms. "Please, I love you."

Shaking her head she opened her eyes which saw the tears fall down her cheeks. "You don't know what love is..." Stepping away from him she picked up the bag passing it to him. "Go." He held the bag watching her wanting to do anything but leave. After a moment longer she stepped away wandering out of the bedroom.

Her heels across the floor were the only thing to be heard through the house until he spoke again. "Please... Don't do this-" "How many times?" He frowned looking to her as he put the bag down on the couch. "Does it matter?" "To me it does! How many times Greg? What? Once, twice or is was it so many that you lost count?"

When he didn't answer she pushed her tongue into her cheek nodding. Looking around the at the kitchen she desperately tried to stop the tears falling. "I really thought you were different, but you're not. You're just the same as the rest." He tried moving closer to her but she held her hands out pressing them to his chest.

He held onto her wrists as he moved closer, letting her hands drop from his chest as he stood before her. "Please talk to me about all this-" "What is there to talk about? You lied." She kept her eyes away from his knowing that it would only make it harder. "Look at me, please..." He lifted a hand to her cheek as she turned to face him.

Neither spoke as he leant closer pressing his lips to hers. She found herself giving into him as she responded before she felt the tears rolling down her cheeks. Pressing her hand to his chest once again she broke from his lips. Taking a breath she walked away from him leaving him to stand watching her.

Everything was quiet for a moment before he wandered over to the sofa picking up his bag. "I'm sorry Connie." She didn't answer as she heard him walk out to the front door waiting to hear it close. Once it had she walked back upstairs and into the bedroom, standing beside the window looking out into the street.

Nothing ever was simple in her life and it just seemed to be one thing after another. Sitting down on the edge of the bed Connie ran a hand back through her hair before picking her phone up from the side. Seeing the time she got herself undressed and climbed into bed attempting to forget the events of the day before seeing his message.


He lay awake staring at the ceiling as she slept soundly beside him. Glancing at her he sighed turning away as he reached for his phone seeing it was just past one. Sitting up carefully he got out of bed wandering downstairs.

Sam stood at the kitchen sink with a glass of water glancing out of the window. Opening his phone again he read back over the text he had sent seeing that she had read it but not replied. He debated with himself whether or not to message her again but decided against it.

Walking towards the living room he sunk down on the sofa laying back. His phone buzzed from the table as he rolled to one side to grab it, quickly falling back to his previous position. Why did you tell me? He frowned at her bluntness but wasn't surprised of the tone she was taking.

They had never been close friends, but there was a level of respect he held for her and in some ways, admiration at the woman she was. A part of him thought it may be more than that, that maybe there was something he should be pursuing to see if it could ever work but he never did.

You deserved to know what he was doing Con, I'm sorry if that makes me the bad guy. Dropping his head down on the sofa he rubbed a hand across his forehead as his phone vibrated on his chest. Sorry I didn't mean to do that. I'll see you in work tomorrow Sam. Throwing his phone down onto the table he contemplated going back up to bed but knew he'd never sleep there. Instead, he remained where he was pulling the blanket from the back of the sofa over himself.

It didn't matter how many times he told himself to forget about her, he couldn't.

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