Chapter 63

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Connie sat on the sofa, her heels on the floor beside her as she lay her legs before her. Groaning she dropped her head backwards feeling the sleepless nights catching up to her. Running her hands through her hair she sat back up and looked down to the documents on her lap.

A tapping at the door drew her attention up as Sam appeared in the entrance. "Knock knock-" "Opening it before I answer defeats the object of knocking Strachan." He smirked coming inside as she began to shuffle further up the sofa. "And I'm sure sitting like this, with those things there, defeats the object of wearing them." He arched a brow as she glared at him letting a smirk cross her features.

"What do you want?" "I left my keys this morning." Connie nodded getting up from where she sat to move to her desk. Leaning over it she reached into her bag, Sam's eyes wandering across her body. Hiding the smile quickly as she turned around she handed his keys to him. "Thank you, hey..." He caught her hand as she went to move away from him.

She looked up at him as he smiled gently, letting his arms fall to her waist. "You know I always forget how small you really are-" He laughed as she pushed his chest before he tightened his hold on her waist. Pushing his lips against hers gently she smiled against his lips.

Glancing up at him again, her expression softened considerably. Sam ran a hand over her cheek as she leant closer resting her head against his chest. "You're slightly more touchy than normal... Sure you're okay?" "I'm just tired. I can be a bitch if you'd prefer?" He shook his head as she straightened back up with a smile.

"I've got to tell the board about the pregnancy in the next few weeks, then they'll try stopping me from doing surgeries-" "And you'll tell them where to stick it no doubt." Glancing back over her shoulder he saw a devilish smile. "Would I ever?" He laughed as she sunk back down onto the sofa before moving to take up the space beside her.

"What are you doing?" "Figured it's about time for a break." Rolling her eyes she didn't try to tell him to return to work as she knew it would do no good. Instead she lifted her legs across his lap as he twisted to face her. "Anything I can do?" "Sit there and look pretty?" He laughed sarcastically as Connie mimicked him before shaking her head. "You're doing everything I need you to."

Sam smiled letting his hands settle against her thighs as she worked. Elliot came into the office sometime later looking to where Connie seemed somewhat slumped against Sam as she slept soundlessly. They smiled to one another as Elliot nodded towards her sitting at his desk. "She looked exhausted this morning."

He glanced down at her keeping his fingers in her hair as he nodded. "She won't admit it but I think the baby's keeping her awake." Elliot nodded knowingly hearing what he had already thought. "Well I'm sure with you helping her she'll get some rest." Sam nodded as he picked the folders up from her lap glancing through them. "Does she ever stop working?"

Elliot laughed lifting his head from his own paperwork. "Never in the last 10 years that's I've known her." Sam sighed closing the folders and placing them on the desk to the side. "I guess I best start trying to make her then." "Rather you than me, but I'm glad she's got someone keeping an eye on her."

Sam let her sleep comfortably against him for a while longer before easily slipping out from beneath her. Propping her head against a pillow, he took off his jumper and placed it across her sleeping body. Leaning down he placed a kiss to her forehead before leaving the office with Elliot, covering the surgery Connie was due to be involved with now.

She went to turn on her side, catching herself before she fell. Slowly she woke, feeling the space around her realising she wasn't where she thought she was. Opening her eyes she looked about the office tiredly, sitting herself up. The jumper fell from her chest before a small smile crossed her face. Remembering what she had been doing before she slept, she slipped herself into his jumper picking up the folder from next to her.

Turning her wrist over to check the time she panicked before seeing the note placed on top of the file. Elliot's got your theatre slots covered. Get some rest because we both know that you need it. Sam x

Running a hand back through her hair, she sighed heavily before resting back against the sofa. Normally she'd have complained endlessly about something like this, in fact she never would have fallen asleep in the first place but she couldn't deny how tired she had felt. Her shift would be over before either Sam or Elliot would be out of their own theatre slots, but she decided on waiting for them.

Elliot and Sam wandered the corridor as they congratulated one another on successful surgeries. "£5 says she goes crazy." "Only 5?" Elliot smiled slightly as Sam pushed the door open, surprised to see Connie sitting awake on the sofa. "Hey, I thought you'd be home already." "Well I thought I'd wait... Thank you for covering Elliot, you didn't have to." He shook his head with a smile before glancing to Sam. "I think you owe me £5..."

Connie turned on her heel with a sharp glare. "You bet on me?" Elliot bowed his head moving to his desk as she focused her attention on Sam who was trying to think of a way out of this. Holding his hands up in defence Connie continued to watch him as she moved closer. "It was harmless-" She took hold of his hands rolling her eyes causing him to relax as he saw the look within her eyes.

"I'll forgive you... If you buy me dinner." She looked up to him sweetly as he laughed wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I see the ulterior motive here..." She smiled before leaning up to kiss him gently. "I'll go grab my things from the staff room and meet you outside?" "Okay..." He kissed her once more before saying his goodbyes to Elliot.

He was quiet for a moment as she pulled her coat on above Sam's jumper. "You know keeping this quiet for much longer could mean you lose him." Connie inhaled no longer able to consider the option that was not having him in her life. "Then I guess it's a good thing I plan on letting him take me to the consultants ball next week... Word travels fast after an event like that."

Turning the lights off at her desk she moved to the door pulling it open. "Night Connie-" "Goodnight Elliot." A small warm smile flickered across her face before the steely expression was replaced as she moved through the department, happy to be leaving for the evening.

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