Chapter 39

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As Sam returned to work, he began to get back into a regular pattern again. Emma was still staying with family, evidently finding this just as hard as he had been. His only saving grace was having someone to help take his mind away from it all.

"You can't be serious? You. In the pub. The same pub we all drink in? This I cannot miss." Connie rolled her eyes throwing a screwed up piece of paper across the room at him. "Greg wants to go and he's getting fed up of me saying no." Sam laughed as he got up throwing the piece of paper she had thrown into the bin. "Is that a yes then?"

Connie looked up at him hopeful. "Fine." She smiled happily as he sat down onto the sofa once more. "Any word on when Emma's coming home?" He shook his head looking across to her desk. "I spoke to her yesterday and she's not in any rush to get back yet." "Understandable." He nodded before getting up from where he sat.

Lifting her eyes she followed him across the room. "Where are you going?" "Got to get home and look my best haven't I?" He winked causing her to roll her eyes once again before getting up herself. Wandering around the desk she was oblivious to him still watching her. Opening the filing cabinet she started putting things away.

Glancing to her side she smirked seeing him watch her. "You still here?" He held his hands up in surrender as she laughed. Stepping back across the room she stood up pushing the drawer in. "What?" "Just checking, you know how to dance right?" "Excuse me?" She looked at him confused as to why he was asking her that before he took hold of her hand spinning her around.

"Sam what are you doing-" "Well if you're coming out with us, you have to dance with us." She laughed shaking her head as he kept hold of her hand standing opposite her. "I do not and will not." "Come onnnn..." "No!" He pulled her hand so that she came closer to him, his other arm moving around her waist as he messed around dancing with her.

Connie couldn't help but laugh as they continued to mess around. She stood close to him, her chest pressed to his as he slowed slightly. Looking up at him she found her breath catching in her throat, his hands brushing over the small of her back. He lifted his other hand to push her hair back from her face tucking it behind her ear.

The tensions had been growing between the pair over the last month, ever since she had slipped up. Although nothing had happened yet, it felt impossible to try and stop it. She dropped her eyes from his to his lips and back again as they remained in their hold. A sharp knock at the door caused the pair to split quickly before the door swung open.

"You ready to go? Oh, sorry I didn't realise you were in here Sam... How are you?" He nodded forcing a smile glancing to Greg as he moved further into the room to stand beside Connie. Sam watched as he wound his arm around Connie's waist, the pang of jealousy quickly sparking within him like it used to. "Getting on with it..." "Well you know where we are if you need anything, right Connie?"

Her eyes lifted to Greg as she nodded with a fake smile before looking to Sam. "I'll see you tonight then." "You're coming out?" Sam nodded as he pulled the door open. "She can be very persuasive." Greg laughed with a nod before Sam disappeared without saying anything else. Looking up to Greg she smiled slightly before picking up her bag as they left the office.

They weren't at home for long as they began to make their way back in the direction of the pub. Connie had had time to change into something else and check her makeup before the taxi arrived. "Don't go getting blind drunk tonight-" "Connie when do we ever go out?" She rolled her eyes leaning back in the seat of the taxi.

Sam, Oliver, Jac and Joseph were gathered around the bar ordering a round of drinks as everyone else sat at a table. Stepping out of the taxi Connie ran a hand over the front of her dress before Greg quickly took her hand. "Red wine?" She nodded with a smile as he led her inside the pub. "Did anyone else feel that or did the room just get colder?" "Hmm... Always are the comedian."

Connie glared across at Jac before she moved away to the rest of the staff. Sam couldn't help but smirk across the bar as Connie caught his expression throwing him a glare. After moving on from the initial response to what she had said, he couldn't help but let his eyes wander over what she was wearing. The dress fitted her tightly and she looked incredible. Her hair hung in waves over her shoulders and he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen her look so relaxed.

Greg passed her a glass of wine as they moved around the bar towards Sam. "I'm going to get a seat, coming?" "I'm fine right here thank you." Rolling his eyes he moved to the rest of the staff. "Connie." "Sam." Remaining beside him she glanced over at him placing her glass to the side. "Come on, what is it?" "He really doesn't know you, does he?" Connie pulled a face unsure of what he meant as he carried on.

"Well, you being in this bar alone is a miracle but asking you to sit with them all- Well, that's another story." "Funny." Sam laughed as he turned to face her. "If it counts for anything, I'm glad you're here-" "Mhmm, I'm thrilled." He smiled at her sarcasm before being dragged away by several of the staff.

Hours ticked by and Connie found herself sitting with Elliot while Greg disappeared constantly. Sam couldn't help but watch her and see the annoyance on her face as she continued to drink. Another hour went by and Connie had barely seen Greg. She wandered through the various groups of people but had no luck seeing him.

Connie spun around when someone caught hold of her wrist. "Only me... I think he left, was pretty drunk from what I remember." Groaning she looked across the pub before Sam stepped closer. "Hey, enjoy yourself... Come on." He held onto her hand stepping backwards as she refused. "No way-" "Come on, what's the worst that could happen?"

Giving in, she let him pull her into the centre of a group they didn't know. Sam kept a hand pressed to her waist as she looked to him unimpressed. "You made me come out, remember that Beauchamp." She laughed moving an arm over his shoulder as she began to dance slowly. As music continued to play, she found herself slowly enjoying herself as she danced with him.

Sam held onto her hand spinning her around before pulling her back into his chest. His hands on her waist as she looped her arms around his neck. "You know, you're a pretty good dancer." She smirked raising an eyebrow as she pressed closer against him. Neither could deny what they wanted in that moment, but it was Sam who stopped it from being a possibility.

"Go home Connie... I don't want you to do anything you'd regret." He leant closer to her as he spoke loud enough for her to hear. "For what it's worth, I wouldn't have regretted it." Leaning back she placed a kiss to his cheek before dropping her arms from where they'd been around his neck. "Good night Sam." He stepped up to the bar dropping his head before looking over to where she was beside the door watching him. She left quickly while he remained inside, he was sure she would deny any sort of conversation tomorrow and put it down to the drink so he was just saving himself the guilt trip.

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