Chapter 74

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As the weeks passed and Connie continued to work she began to notice the changes within herself in the department. Her focus wasn't quite what it used to be and her attention to detail was sliding. Throwing a folder down to the desk she groaned angrily as Elliot came in behind to see her lifting her hands to her head.

"Connie?" Turning round she noticed Elliot standing across the office having missed him follow her in. "The operation was a success-" "It was ridiculous." Releasing a heavy breath she leant against the wall to one side of the room glancing out of the windows beside her. "The patient is alive and recovering down the hall-" "Not the point Elliot." 

Pushing away from the wall she stormed past her desk as he watched her. "Connie-" "Tell me that I performed like I normally would." He hesitated with his response as she nodded dropping her hands to her sides. "Exactly." "Conn-" Before he had the opportunity to say anymore she was gone from the office walking away from the department.

Further in the department Sam was oblivious to anything happening. Lately he'd kept his distance a little more in work knowing it was easier for them both to focus if they did so. It didn't stop him watching her from time to time though. He still liked to make sure she was resting enough during their shifts, knowing full well what she was like.

As he wandered back towards the reception desk putting down the files he was carrying he looked towards the group of people stood to one side gossiping. "What's their problem?" Oliver shrugged barely paying attention as he looked to Sam. "Beats me... Hey when's the youngen here?" "Six weeks."

Sam smirked as he thought of how quickly it seemed to have come round suddenly realising his desperation for the day to come. Looking across the department towards her office, Oliver's voice called his attention back. "She didn't look too happy earlier, their patients recovering right?" "Yeah down in bed four... Call me if you need anything?" With a single nod, Sam turned away leaving the department in the direction Connie had left earlier.

As he strolled along the corridor, he stopped in his path backtracking towards the stairs. Looking down he saw Connie sitting there staring off into the distance. He sensed that something wasn't quite right as he approached without a word taking a seat beside her. Connie turned only slightly as Sam sat beside her, the faintest glimmer of a smile on her face before she looked back ahead again. 

"What's happened?" Inhaling deeply she shook her head with a forced smile. "Don't." Connie's expression dropped as Sam shut her down, knowing full well that whatever she was about to say would have been a lie. When she became quiet Sam shuffled across the stair closer to her, his arm stretching out around her shoulders.

He pulled her to his side, her head falling to his shoulder as she resigned instantly. "Hate you-" "Love you too oh darling girlfriend of mine... Care to explain why my boss is being moody?" She dropped a hand to rest against his leg, tracing a pattern over his thigh as she focused on that rather than him. "This stupid job-" "You love this job." "Okay my stupid boyfriend getting me pregnant meaning I can't do my stupid job properly."

Arching a brow he leaned back to look down at her causing her to glance up. "Okay for a start, stop being grumpy and repeatedly using the word stupid. Secondly you do not regret this baby, and finally, you just called me your boyfriend." She couldn't help the smile that flashed upon her face at his final focus on what she had said. "What's got you in such a bad way?" "Just this surgery this morning. It made me realise I really can't do this job right now."

Sam shook his head as he rubbed a hand across her arm. "From where I stand you do this job pretty well still-" "I almost shocked myself with the defibrillator today." His face changed into one of panic and worry as she pulled away letting her head fall into her hands. "I've told Hansen I'm taking my maternity break." He was surprised she'd said that after the conversation they'd had the previous week when she'd seemed adamant she was staying.

"So make the most of what you have left. When'd you go?" "This is my last shift." "Seriously?" She rubbed her hands together as she nodded turning to look at him. "I can't risk this baby, not after everything that happened for you last time." Sam lifted a hand to cup her cheek as he smiled warmly at her. "I love you Mrs Beauchamp-" "I won't be hearing that name for a while..." "I'm sure I can think of reasons to use it."

Pushing his hand away she rolled her eyes as he laughed pulling her back into his side. She fell into him without a fight, enjoying the closeness between them. "Not long now, then we can finally get on with all of this." She smiled again feeling his hand move over her stomach softly. "I can't wait." Sam entwined his fingers with hers quickly as they remained sitting closely to each other in the stairwell.

The cool air blowing up from the exit provided them with a breath of fresh air compared to the warmth of the department. Placing her hand to Sam's thigh she lifted her head to look at him. "Thank you." Smiling with a shake of his head he pushed her hair back behind her ear. "You don't ever have to thank me." She smiled sweetly leaning closer as she placed a kiss to his lips. 

"Well I'm gonna keep saying it until you accept it-" "Fine, you're welcome." She smirked as he moved in to kiss her again, deeper this time before she parted from him with a smile. Taking a final deep breath, she pushed herself up from the stairs beginning to move past him. She paused at the top looking down, a smirk upon her lips. "Oh I went back to the midwife last week to find out the sex by the way..."

Sam's face contorted quickly, etched with confusion as he heard her heels beginning to move into the distance. Scrambling to his feet he called out to her. "What!? You did not. Connie!" All she did was laugh as she continued walking, Sam quickly catching up and wrapping an arm around her waist. "Tell me!" "Not until later. We're going for dinner, and Elliot will be there too, and as much as it pains me to say, your mother."

His smile only widened as he held her in his grasp still. "You are joking right, you and my mother at the same dinner?" "No I am not-" "Now this I want to see, this is more exciting than finding out the sex." Punching his chest playfully, she stepped out of his embrace continuing through the doors into the department with a laugh as he followed once again. The happiness between them unmistakable as they parted ways returning to work, which for Connie, would be the final time she did so for some time.

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