Chapter 24

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The days that followed Connie made sure to keep herself busy unwilling to even think about the previous weekend. Sam had tried to no end to get a response from her but it seemed the only way to get her to listen would be by forcing her to at work.

"Come on, when was the last time you let me take you out? Tell me you don't enjoy it-" "Mhm... I don't remember the last night going so well do you?" He laughed as he followed her out into the stairwell of the ward. "Oh come on, what's the worst that can happen?" He snaked his arms around her waist from behind as she turned around in his arms.

She raised a perfectly arched brow bringing a smirk to his lips as she held onto his hands that rest on her hips. "If I say yes will you let me do some work?" "Maybe." She rolled her eyes with a smile as he laughed again, her hands lifting to his neck as she let his lips press against hers. Breaking from his lips she smiled leaning back as he captured her lips again quickly.

Connie wrapped an arm around his neck feeling Greg's arms tighten round her waist. Smiling against his lips he parted from her with a smirk. "So I can pick you up at 6?" "Try 8-" "7 and I'll settle..." Pushing her tongue into her cheek she struggled hiding the smirk from her face. "I assume that look means yes."

She tilted her head back slightly so that her hair fell down her back as she released a breath. "Fine-" "I love you." She narrowed her eyes watching him as he kissed her once more, the doors opening behind them caused Connie to break from his lips quickly. "You're needed in the department Mrs Beauchamp." Greg glanced over his shoulder seeing Sam standing with the door open, a look of annoyance coming to his face.

Connie noticed his expression and placed a hand to his cheek turning him back to face her. "Come and find me later?" "Okay..." She leant up and kissed him before parting with a smile, his arms dropping from her waist as she stepped away. Sam gritted his teeth as he wandered after her falling into step beside her. "You two seem cosy-" "Don't start."

He pulled a face causing Connie to come to a halt further down the corridor. "What is it?" "Nothing, obviously doesn't matter." Her voice raising slightly she allowed everything that had happened aggravate her. "No, come on. You've clearly got something to say." "I've already said it Connie, you seemed close out there-" "So I can't have a relationship?" "Wouldn't really call what you have a relationship."

Connie glared across the empty space at him unable to let this drop. "So what would you call it exactly, because from where I'm standing yours is far from perfect-" "Never tried to say it was. Difference is I don't pretend like nothing has happened." Sam sighed heavily before beginning to wander away knowing Connie wasn't about to stop. Walking into the empty room Connie followed closely behind him letting the door shut.

"Just because I walked out last weekend does not mean you can come in here and start demanding things-" "I told you that you were needed with a patient Connie, it's hardly demanding anything from you." The icy glare firmly on her face caused Sam to scoff and shake his head. "You really are something else-" "Oh please, enlighten me Mr Strachan."

She folded her arms tightly against her chest as he returned the steely glare. "You're an ice cold bitch that plays with people until she gets bored." "And what does that make you then, hmm? Desperate? Pathetic?" Sam stepped closer to her until he stood directly opposite her. His voice was low and angered at the outburst she had caused. "Obviously, and I'd probably say I had something wrong with my head for wanting something more from you."

His words cut through her more than she cared to show, unsure where this argument was coming from. She knew she'd been avoiding him, it seemed like the best thing to do since they were almost caught together. It wouldn't just be this that they lost, but the lives they'd tried so hard to build up and make work. Connie couldn't risk losing it all for some fling they couldn't leave behind.

"Well, I'm glad you've come to your senses then. Maybe you can finally do your job here." He nodded with a slight laugh looking away. "Yeah maybe you're right. I guess we all make mistakes." Moving past her he pulled the door open and walked towards the patient that needed seeing as Connie trailed behind instantly forgetting what had happened, focusing on work.

When she returned to her office she slammed the door unaware of someone already in there. "Woah, is everything okay?" She looked up seeing Greg jump to his feet and stand before her. Anger boiled inside her once again after Sam refused to agree with her on any kind of treatment for the patient they had been with. "He just infuriates me, who the hell does he think he is!?"

Reaching forwards he placed his hands on her arms stopping her from her rant. "Who Connie?" "Sam. I don't know why I ever gave him another chance in this department because he sure as hell didn't deserve it." Moving away from him she walked across the office towards the windows looking outside. Folding her arms she raised a hand to her mouth running her thumb across her bottom lip. "I'm taking this higher, if he doesn't want to listen to me then maybe he'll listen when there's a formal investigation looming over him."

"Con-" "No just, leave it. If you're going to stand there and defend him for whatever reason I don't want to hear it. " Greg ignored how he felt about the guy as he stood beside her again. Turning her to face him he rubbed his hands up and down her arms. "You're angry and I understand that, but you know you don't mean that. He's a good doctor, you know that. I'm not saying the guy isn't a huge dick but, give yourself a chance to calm down."

He watched the brief amusement pass her lips before she sighed stepping into his arms as he held her. Resting her head to his chest she wrapped her arms around him. "Give this a chance to blow over." Closing her eyes for a moment she remained in his embrace before standing up looking up to him. "Okay?" She nodded sighing before he pressed his lips to her forehead. "I'll let you get on."

With Greg gone, Connie turned to the windows looking out of them quietly. She ignored the gut feeling she had to go and find Sam, to talk, shout if she had to. She knew that it wouldn't do any good to see him now. It didn't matter how angry she was, she couldn't deny that deep down it meant nothing compared to how she really felt. She wasn't angry at him, but at herself for letting this all escalate so far.

Sitting back down behind her desk she slowly flicked through the paperwork until she came to the end of her shift. Deciding to get out as soon as she could, she left the department without so much as a second glance. Sam saw her leave and knew it wouldn't do any good going after her. They'd exhausted all conversation today and he wasn't quite sure where that left them.

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