Chapter 4

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Almost three weeks had gone by and gradually the dust was beginning to settle on everything in Connie's life. Things were far from good, or happy but it was something she had come to accept. Her personal life had always been a shambles, but without the company she had found in Greg the nights became longer as did her days within the hospital.

A part of her willed her to give in and accept the apology he was begging to give her but the dominant part of her was winning out. After all, she was Connie Beauchamp and if there was one thing she didn't need it was a man.

It had been a few days since she had been in work. She'd stayed at home and completed the endless pieces of paperwork instead, it gave her a chance to clear her mind. Ever since the kiss in her office she had been plagued with mixed emotions and relentless ideas that were far from admirable.

Firstly Sam was in a relationship which seemed to have all the signs of becoming something permanent. Secondly they had slept together numerous times and it was clear there was nothing else meant to ever come of their encounters. Connie played over his words, every possibility and meaning that they could have had. Yet when she thought of the man, nothing repulsed or aggravated her more than him.

Despite all the reasons to not think of him and what had happened, she did. She thought of how he had been the one to tell her, to stop her being played for the fool. She thought of how he had stood there and watched everything unfold, wary of her safety. She thought of the nights she had spent with him and what it would be like to have one more night. Each time these thoughts crept into her mind she busied herself with work.

She had kept her distance at work, and he seemed to comply with that. It didn't stop the glances that passed between them though. Connie was grateful for the friend he was offering to be, but it wasn't in her interest to accept it.

Arriving at the hospital that morning she parked in the spot she always did, remaining in the confines of her car watching as the rain began to beat down across the windscreen. The radio continued to play quietly as she turned the ignition off, her keys in her hands as she looked down at them.

Lifting her head and looking from the window she saw the figures moving up ahead as they dashed for shelter. Sam smirked pulling her to him, her lips crashing into his as she smiled against his mouth. Her arms moved around his waist as he held her to his chest. "How are you going to get home in this?" "I'm sure it'll die down-" "And if it doesn't?" He watched her with a grin as she shrugged. "I'll get a cab... I can take care of myself Sam. I'm not entirely clueless." He closed the space between them once again to kiss her.

Resting her head back against the headrest she closed her eyes releasing a slow breath. It seemed everywhere she looked there were happy couples enjoying their lives as they should. Why all her relationships were the ones to break down she had given up trying to work out.

As the rain began to hold off, she got out of the car and lifted her head to finally see clearly who was beneath the shelter of the hospital. The car door closing caused his eyes to drift up to where she stood. Sam's face fell instantly before he covered it again.

Connie looked up as she heard the laughter, regretting the decision pretty soon. Forcing a smile his way, she locked the car beginning to walk past him towards the hospital.

He kept his eyes from her but it didn't stop all other senses concentrating on her. All he heard was the sound of her heels across the pavement as she walked by. The smell of her perfume as she passed by closely, keeping under the protection of the roof.

"Sam?" "Sorry... I'll see you tonight Em." She nodded leaning up pressing a kiss to his lips once more before wrapping her arms around him. He enveloped her onto a hug but his eyes wandered up following her as she walked inside.

It felt like life played on a loop. The same routine repeating itself day after day, neither making an attempt to break what they knew they shouldn't. As days slowly dragged by he spent the hours watching her across the department. He watched as she breezed her way through everything, the same mistakes she made before happening in front of him. It was a matter of time before something was bound to happen.

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