1. Wendy's

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Third Person POV

"Hey, Kiibo." Ouma called, sneaking up to Kiibo's position on the sofa and peering over his shoulder.

"Mmm?" Kiibo replied nonchalantly, continuing to read the book in his hands.

Ouma huffed and in one swift motion swiped the book out of his boyfriends hand.

"Hey! I was reading that!" Kiibo huffed, turning around and glaring at the other; attempting to snatch his book back but his efforts proved useless as Ouma threw the book in a different direction.

"Yeah well I'm your boyfriend so you gotta spend time with me too instead of reading all the time." He hoped over the couch and plopped himself down right next to Kiibo.

Kiibo rolled his eyes but figured there was no point in arguing with Ouma since he always got his way in the end. "Alright then. What do you want to do?"

Ouma grinned and enthusiastically grabbed Kiibo by the shoulders and started to shake him. "Let's go out to eat something! It'll be like our first date! This is exciting! Come on let's go!" At this point he was sounding like a kid going to the amusement park for the first time.

Kiibo couldn't help but smile at the childish behavior being displayed by the so-called Super High School Level Supreme Ruler. Were they always like this? Kiibo would never know. "So what kind of place did you have in mind then?" He asked.

Ouma stopped shaking the other and instead placed a finger on his chin as if he was now stuck in a thinking-like position. He pursed his lips and squinted his eyes as he was eliminating every type of possibility that they had. After a few moments, Ouma let out a gasp and turned to Kiibo with a huge grin. "We should go to Wendy's!"

"No thanks" was Kiibo's immediate response.

Ouma's smile was replaced with one of confusion and slight surprise since Kiibo rarely ever said no to him. "How come?"

"Well, I don't exactly like their food. I know one would think that robots don't eat but we do actually," Kiibo replied matter-of-factly.

Ouma grumbled and took his phone out, mumbling some words here and there but Kiibo had been unable to decipher anything that the other was saying.

After a short while of Ouma scrolling and typing something on his phone, Ouma let out a satisfied sigh and locked his phone; stuffing the phone back into his pocket and deciding to lay down on Kiibo's lap.

Kiibo was surprised to say the very least. He never expected the latter to just give in to an argument like that, but he also felt slightly upset with himself since he could have seen in Ouma's eyes earlier that he really did want to go out.

"Hey Ouma do-"

"Do robots have dicks?" Ouma interrupted.

Kiibo felt his face heat up and he immediately lifted Ouma up and put a fair distance between the two. "We are not answering this question today," he grumbled.

"Woah! I didn't know robots could blush!" Ouma exclaimed with excitement.

"Of course we do! We can feel any kind of emotions just like a human! We can be happy and sad and mad and confused and we can like people as well. Obviously, seeing as I'm dating you," Kiibo replied, sighing as he had already tried to explain this whole thing to Ouma a couple of times.

"So robots can also get turned on?" Was Ouma's immediate response.

"Ye- wait what are you-" Kiibo was interrupted again by Ouma's phone signaling off a ding.

"Oh! It must be them!" Ouma stated and whipped his phone out as he was checking his messages.

"Must be who?" Kiibo asked cautiously, not liking where this conversation was going.

Ouma knotted his brows together at whatever was on the screen before he shook his head and passed his phone to Kiibo.

Kiibo was surprised but nonetheless looked at what was on the screen.

'.@Wendys my boyfriend doesn't love Wendy's, what should I do??

@SHSLRuler Might need some couples therapy tbh'

Kiibo darted his eyes back and forth between the phone and Ouma. Was he supposed to take this seriously? Did Ouma actually ask Wendy's for advice? Who even was the person that replied?

"What does this mean?" Kiibo finally asked after a few moments.

Ouma huffed and gently took his phone back from Kiibo. "It means we need couples therapy of course."

"Because I don't like Wendy's? It doesn't seem logical," Kiibo stated.

"Yeah well it is to me!" Ouma glared at the other before looking away.

"Why does it matter that I don't like them?" Kiibo asked.

"Because I love their Fanta!" Ouma exclaimed, glaring daggers at the other once again.

"Wait you're mad at me over Fanta? I'm sure other places have it too." Kiibo argued.

"Yeah well I like their Fanta specifically!" Ouma grumbled and shoved his phone back in his pocket, turning his head away from the other once again.

Kiibo sighed, reaching up to rub his temple. How could someone so small be this much trouble? That's when Kiibo decided to try and go through some files in his head to see if there was something he read that would help him in his current situation.

That's when Kiibo remembered reading something about relationships and how they need to compromise with each other or just make sacrifices for the other in general. Kiibo knows about Ouma's strange love for Fanta, and since Kiibo really did care about Ouma, then it wouldn't hurt to just go to Wendy's with him to make him happy, right?

"Alright then," Kiibo finally stated. Ouma looked over at him with a raised eyebrow. "I decided that we could go to Wendy's. It's our first date so whatever makes you happy is fine with me," Kiibo stated, feeling embarrassed for having said something so sentimental.

Ouma broke out into a huge grin and wrapped his arms around Kiibo, pulling him into a huge hug. "Thanks Kiibo! You're the best! My favorite robot! So cool! Maybe that means you'll finally tell me if robots have dicks!" He cheered.

Kiibo carefully moved Ouma off of him and started to walk away. "Still not gonna tell you. Now let's go already before I change my mind."

Ouma pouted for a second before deciding that getting his way at least once a day was enough for him and he walked outside hand-in-hand with Kiibo, talking enthusiastically about a random subject while Kiibo just stared at Ouma with adoration in his eyes.

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