4. Octopus Hair

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Kiibo's ahoge swayed left and right in annoyance. He couldn't help but feel like Ouma's hair was slightly off. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but Ouma's hair didn't really look like Ouma's  hair. He let out a small groan as he shook his head. Kiibo was blaming  his lack of sleep on these crazy assumptions. Ouma's hair was probably  fine, and Ouma himself, well he was a different story, but he was as  normal as he usually is so Kiibo decided to drop the thought and get  back to paying attention to the lesson.

That  was until he noticed one of Ouma's supposed hair strands move on its  own. Kiibo couldn't help but turn his attention back to the other and  essentially burn his gaze into him. Ouma, on the other hand, had let out  a small yet awkward cough. He could feel someone glaring at him but he  didn't know why. He hadn't even pranked anyone for the day and he was  already getting these daggers thrown his way. He didn't understand it  and he didn't know if he wanted to. Ouma gazed over to his left as he  felt something caressing his cheek.

"Shh  it's fine don't worry," He lifted his hand up and pat the small  tentacle. "No one has noticed you so you can relax." He smiled as he  noticed the tentacle seem to relax and go back to it's normal camouflage  as his hair.

Kiibo  watched from afar in utter surprise. Had Ouma really just talked to his  own hair? Much less even caress it. He knew that Ouma was conceited but  he never knew that it had gone to this extent. The robot huffed and  decided that he would confront Ouma about the whole ordeal after class.  it's not like he could make a scene in the middle of class and actually  be able to get away with it without everyone thinking he was crazy. The  rest of the class period consisted of Kiibo occasionally throwing Ouma a  glance as he noticed the smaller male continuously pat his own head.  Kiibo found it a little too weird for the dictator and knew that the  other was obviously up to something.

After  class as everyone was getting ready to leave for their break, Kiibo  walked up to Ouma's desk and placed a hand on his shoulder. Ouma turned  around with a bored expression and muttered a 'what' until he realized  it was Kiibo that was starting a conversation with him. He immediately  beamed and Kiibo could see the others eyes sparkle. "Kiibo! Hi! Have you  finally decided to let me be your friend and answer my question  regarding whether or not you have a-" Kiibo quickly placed a hand over  the others mouth so that he wouldn't be able to finish his sentence.

"That won't be necessary," Kiibo mustered out with a sigh. "I came here to ask you what was up with you during class today."

Ouma immediately became nervous and looked around. "I don't know what you're talking about," he muttered.

"Yes  you do. I saw you petting your hair and talking to it. I know you're  weird, but I didn't know you were that weird," Kiibo replied which only  caused Ouma to puff his cheeks in annoyance.

"Oh so now you think I'm a giant weirdo huh?" He defended.

"I  probably wouldn't if you would just explain what is it that's going  on," Kiibo replied, not understanding the others need to keep everything  a secret when it should have been obvious to everyone that Ouma had  been acting stranger than usual. Either that or he just pays a lot more  attention to Ouma than he was ever willing to admit.

Ouma  sighed and looked around before grabbing Kiibo's wrist and running out  of the room; his other hand held protectively on his head. "Here we can  talk in the bathroom," Ouma stated so that Kiibo could get the message  that he wasn't going to do anything weird to the other. Kiibo only  stayed silent and let himself be dragged by the other.

Once  they arrived to the bathroom, Ouma peered into every stall to make sure  that there was no one hiding in one of them before grabbing Kiibo by  the wrist and going into one of the stalls.

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