15. To Each Their Own

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A/N: It's 2 am and I wrote this instead of studying. Kokichi ain't the only one taking these L's.

Not beta'd since I wrote this in one sitting, sorry.


Today was the day! Today. Was. The. Day. Kokichi remembered seeing on Twitter that Kiibo Iidabashi was going to have a book signing nearby later on in the month. It was now currently 'later on in the month'. With the release of Kiibo's new book, it's no wonder why he would be doing book signings in an attempt to promote it.

Being a university student sure had its perks. The dorm that Kokichi was staying in was within walking distance of the local bookstore. Perhaps it was because that's where most of the students had gone to buy their textbooks for school, but it's not like Kokichi cared much. This was much more important than a measly textbook.

Kokichi made sure to show up at least an hour early. He wasn't sure if there would be a line or if it would even be busy, apparently it wasn't, though it's not like he didn't have things to kill time with. With his allotted time, Kokichi was able to purchase Kiibo's new book and get a head start at reading the thing himself.

A stupid grin was plastered on his face as he took in every detail that was on each page. Being a fan fiction writer for this specific series, Kokichi was determined to make stories where the characters themselves resembled the actual characters in the book. It's a difficult task to achieve, trying to accurately portray a character depicted in canon. That much Kokichi had always known to be true, but he was always doing his best to get them right with each story that he published.

Maybe, just maybe, Kiibo has heard about his works too. That was but a simple thought, but it was enough to make Kokichi's face flush. He wondered if Kiibo would like his work or would agree with his own interpretation of the characters? The thoughts were exciting but also frightening. Kiibo was always such a kind soul online and in interviews, Kokichi would be disappointed if he turned out to not be that way at all in person.

There wasn't a lot of time for him to really dwell on these thoughts as Kokichi realized that some people had already started to line up for the book signing. He certainly didn't want to miss the chance to get his book signed by the Kiibo Iidabashi.

As he waited in line with his book clutched tightly against his chest, Kokichi resisted any and every urge to look over at Kiibo. Never in a million years would he expect the author to be so attractive and young. Well, Kiibo was older than him by five years, but that was still pretty young to Kokichi. Being such a well-known author at 28 is truly an admirable feat.

It wasn't necessarily that Kokichi had a crush on Kiibo but rather he was swayed with the latters way with words. He loved the way that Kiibo had written his stories. The imagery, the symbolism, the general interactions between all the characters felt real. Nothing was rushed and overall everything was realistic. The main character doesn't 'get the girl' in the end, but rather he gets rejected. While it does demoralize him for a bit, he does not persist nor dwell on these facts. He ventures on towards his goals and overall flow of the plot. The initial love interest also does not fall into the typical role where they suddenly fall in love with the protagonist once they achieve a certain amount of accomplishments. The friendships and, well, even the villains are written in a way where you sympathize with them. You don't necessarily want the villain to win but rather you feel for them and hope that they are able to change their ways in the future.

Everything about Kiibo's writing absolutely mesmerized Kokichi and quite honestly he just thought it was a plus that the man behind these books was so attractive.

It's not like he stood a chance with the guy but Kokichi kept his little crush nonetheless.

Before he knew it, it was his turn next in line. The amount of adrenaline that was coursing through Kokichi's body had him practically shaking in his place in line. He knew that Kiibo wouldn't remember him at all but this still mattered to him a great deal.

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