7. Love Letter

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Kiibo groaned and laid his head down on the desk. "Saihara this cursive stuff is very difficult. I don't understand why I have to write this when I can simply type it out," He whined, lifting his head up slightly while his ahoge swayed in annoyance.

"Kiibo-kun. This is important. If you want to write a love letter then it has to come from the heart and be as pretty as it can be," Saihara explains with a small smile on his face.

"Are you saying that because that's the way Amami asked you out?" Kiibo asked innocently.

Saihara's face quickly turned bright red and he waved his hand dismissively. "We're talking about you Kiibo. Not me," He coughed, hoping that the robot would take the hint that he would rather not talk to the other about the way a certain green haired male asked him out. It may or not be because of the definitely not sexual things that were written there as well.

The robot opened his mouth to ask a question, but quickly shut it once again once he had taken note of Saihara's body language. He figured that his detective friend would rather not talk about Amami, but that only caused him to wonder if him and Amami were going through a rough patch in their relationship.

Perhaps he would ask another time.

"But Saihara I am not sure as to what I want to write. It's very difficult for me to be able to write these down on paper. It still feels like I am saying this directly to Ouma even though you said writing it on a paper would be easier." The robot huffed, feeling annoyed at the fact that it was difficult for him to confess to the small supreme ruler. He's a robot. He didn't understand how he could be easily flustered about something as trivial as romance, but then again here he is, attempting to write an actual letter to the guy.

Before Saihara had actual time to respond, Kiibo immediately sat upright and slammed his hands on the table. "Saihara! I never actually thought of the fact that he might reject me! I can't confess now! He'll surely hate me forever!" He announced, shaking his head and attempting to collect the paper and pencil that were on the desk so that he could put them away.

"Woah there Kiibo calm down," Saihara placed a hand on the robot's arm in an attempt to stop him which seemed to work to say the very least. "If you somehow saw anything good in Ouma, then that means he's started to open up to you, right? There's gotta be something he does for you that he doesn't do for anyone else isn't there?" He asked, more to himself if anything because if Kiibo said no then he wasn't sure how he was going to get the other to actually confess. He was never going to outright admit it but him and Amami had thought that Kiibo and Ouma would make a great couple and they've been attempting to set them up together for the longest time.

"Yeah he does," Kiibo said, interrupting Saihara from his wandering thoughts. "Ouma does this thing where he will show up at my house at around midnight, and naturally I let him in because I do not formally sleep. I do not have difficulty falling asleep like humans. It's just a button and I knock out. Anyways. I let Ouma in and he whines about some nightmare he had and he demands to let me sleep with him. Well no he doesn't demand. He forces me, but I don't mind. He cuddles me when he sleeps though and he also says my name sometimes when he's asleep. Although I'm not sure if he does that with everyone," Kiibo rambled, seemingly trying to recover the data from his own memory file.

Saihara let out a small laugh and shook his head. "I don't think he does that with anyone else. If he did, we would have probably heard some complaints from one of our classmates," He said calmly even though on the inside he was really hoping that Ouma didn't pull that stunt with anyone else or he really was killing his chances with Kiibo. "Anything else that he does?"

"Well..." Kiibo trailed off, attempting to remember anything else that the small dictator did that was out of the ordinary for him. "He's recently stopped buying Panta's from the vending machines and instead commands me to go to the store with him during lunch so he can buy himself some. He also said that when he successfully takes over the world, he'll get rid of all the vending machines for me!" Kiibo chimed at the last part, feeling ecstatic that the cursed vending machines will be wiped out one day.

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