12. Just For Tonight

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Kiibo awkwardly made his way around the cramped rooms in the house, being extra careful to not make any accidental physical contact with anyone around. He wasn't sure why he had agreed to come to this party. Supposedly he had come along with his roommate Rantaro to help be his wingman, but why would the green haired male need a wingman with his looks? He would be able to swoon just about anyone if he played his cards right, and even then, Rantaro probably wouldn't need to try all that hard anyways.

Kiibo had started to suspect that perhaps Rantaro used the wingman thing as an excuse to make him come to one of these college parties. God knows Rantaro had been trying to convince Kiibo for a long time, but partying wasn't really Kiibo's thing. He didn't trust himself to consume alcohol around a bunch of people that he wasn't acquainted with. Plus, Kiibo had seen enough shows and read enough articles to know what could happen to someone if they drank recklessly at a bar, party, etc. and were then left unattended. However, what Kiibo especially didn't like about parties was people being reckless and hooking up with any random person that they saw.

To Kiibo, something like sex or just flirting in general should be saved for someone you have an actual interest in. Maybe he was just old schooled, but he didn't believe in one night stands. If Kiibo didn't have anyone he was romantically interested in, he preferred to stay in his dorm room with a nice cup of tea and blanket while he browsed his Netflix account. Those were his ideal Friday nights. But now here he was, awkwardly huddled in a corner of the living room while Rantaro was off in some other part of the house doing who knows what.

Kiibo desperately wanted to return to his dorm, but he knew that he should probably stay for when Rantaro was ready to get back to their dorm. He didn't want to be that friend that just left the other hanging. What if something happened to him on his way back? What if he got drunk? Well, the latter probably wouldn't happen since Rantaro was a light drinker and knew when to stop, but even so, Kiibo was always worried about his roommate. Because of this, Rantaro would occasionally refer to Kiibo as his mom. He wasn't sure if it was a compliment or not, but decided to see it as a compliment anyways.

The white haired male checked the time. 11:34 pm. Seemed like a reasonable enough time to call it a night. At this point, if Rantaro hadn't tried to get in touch with him, well he was probably already hooking up with someone. It wouldn't hurt to go back already, right? That's what Kiibo ultimately decided, and right when he started to walk towards the exit of the house, he felt someone tug desperately on his sleeve.

He quickly whipped his head around and made eye contact with a slightly shorter purple haired male who seemed like he was trying to hide from someone. "Sorry to bother you! I know this is going to come off as really crazy but my friend dragged me to this party and I just made awkward eye contact with my ex. I was wondering if you could pretend to be dating me until he goes away, please?" He practically pleaded, gnawing nervously on his bottom lip.

Kiibo stared back at the other wide eyed in surprise. He wasn't quite sure how he was supposed to respond or react. How was he sure that this just wasn't a prank? Moreover, why Kiibo out of all of the people at the party? If this guy was trying to make his ex jealous, then there were plenty of better good looking people that this guy could have chosen from.

That's when Kiibo suddenly realized that he knew this guy from somewhere. It took him a couple moments to realize that this guy was in the same Health class as him. They never interacted before, but Kiibo could remember that crazy purple hair anywhere. Well, probably not in a matter of seconds, but hey, he recognized him. It now made sense why this guy would rather have Kiibo be his fake boyfriend. Even if they didn't necessarily know each other, it's not like either of them had ever displayed any malicious behavior in class before so...Kiibo could trust him, right?

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