14. The Scrapbook

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A/N: I originally posted this fic on March 22nd, 2017, however I have since deleted it due to all the mistakes that it contained and I was also just unhappy with it. This is a revised version of said fic though I'm certain that it still leaves much to be desired.

I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.


It was that time of year again, spring cleaning. Kokichi was as messy as a person could get, but Kiibo had tried multiple times in the past to get him into the habit of being more tidy and take better care of himself. With his continuous efforts, Kokichi only grew to be about 30% cleaner, but to Kiibo, that was better than nothing. It's not that Kokichi preferred a messy house over a tidy one, but for him it was easier to locate things around the house amidst the mess that he himself had created.

Regardless of whether Kokichi liked it or not, it was now once again Kiibo's favorite time of the year,spring cleaning. This was partially because even if Kokichi did not want to partake in such activities, Kiibo would anyways. The idea of Kiibo going through his stuff and then accidentally misplacing them was enough to get the latter moving. Kokichi didn't know a whole lot about cleaning things the right  way so it was all very difficult for him the first couple of times that Kiibo had tried to show him the 'proper' way of doing things.


Kokichi groaned as he stretched his fingers out as far as he could, attempting to reach a box that was on top of the bookshelf. Kiibo wasn't around at the moment so he couldn't ask the other to help him out. Regardless, there was no way he would actually admit to his partner that he was too short to reach something in the house. His pride was just too great for that, and he knew that Kiibo would tease him for it before helping.

"Hey shorty, need some help?" The purple haired male internally screamed at the top of his lungs as he was suddenly reminded of the fact that Rantaro had come over to help him with his cleaning.

That's just how chaotic the current state of the house was in.

Kokichi looked down from his spot on the chair and glared at his friend. Man, if looks could kill. "No Rantarhoe I don't need your assistance." The words themselves appeared hostile enough, but the newfound flush on Kokichi's face gave away how embarrassed he truly felt towards the call out. He huffed, rolling his eyes and turning around to try out a new tactic in getting the box. Not having been fazed by the remark and having grown long accustomed to Kokichi's antics, Rantaro crossed his arms and looked up at the other with an amused smile, waiting for things to go wrong.

The shorter male crouched down and grabbed the ends of the chair, scooting it as close to the bookshelf as he could. Rantaro tried to offer his assistance once again, seeing the evident struggle, but Kokichi's pride was still too great as he quickly told Rantaro to kindly shut up. Kokichi stood up as close to the edge of the chair that he could without falling off. He paused for a moment, mentally debating over whether or not he could use Rantaro's assistance, but once again decided against it. The amount of mental preparation he had didn't stop him from growing annoyed when a faint snicker could be heard down below at the sight of Kokichi standing up on his tippy toes. It was embarrassing, yes, but there was no way Kokichi was going to ask for help.

He pressed his body against the bookshelf and raised his arms in an attempt to reach the box once again. Some of the spines from the books on the lower shelves were digging into him, which caused him to feel slight pain. However, Kokichi stuck through it because he knew he would never hear the end of it if Kiibo had found out that he did not actually clean the entire house while he was gone.

Almost as if it was a gift from God, Kokichi's fingertips were finally able to touch the box. He bursting with excitement at his triumph which in turn startled the green haired male significantly. Kokichi didn't pay attention to the half-assed lecture which ensued from Rantaro about how he should consider other people's emotions when 'pulling stunts such as that one.' Instead, Kokichi chose to relish in the fact that he was finally able to reach the box. He tried to pull the box close to himself as best as he could with his fingers, being able to slowly drag the box over to him with each repeated motion.

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