3. Love?

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It was now lunch time in Hopes Peak Academy, and the students are allowed to go anywhere for that time as long as they stayed within the school parameters. Kiibo and Ouma, who were also known as the schools power couple, were spending time together next to the fountain in the middle of the garden. Kiibo had his head laid comfortably in Ouma's lap as he slept, and Ouma was just smiling affectionately down at the other as he gently combed his fingers through the Kiibo's hair.

Kaede and Amami, two people from their class had noticed the pair as they were walking by. Of course, it had been Amami who stopped the other and shook her shoulder rapidly.

"Kaede, Kaede, Kaede," he whispered in excitement, practically jumping up and down like a child who just saw a toy in the store that they wanted. "It's Kiibo and Ouma!" He grinned.

"Woah there, Amami. Calm down. Why don't you just go talk to them?" Kaede suggested, and Amami stopped and stared at her as if she had just asked the stupidest question in the world. "What is it?" She asked.

"You don't just go talk to Kiibo and Ouma," Amami began. "Ouma is very protective of Kiibo. I don't mean like yandere protective but well, Kiibo gets a lot of shit for being a robot and coming to this school, so Ouma is really annoyed with anyone that tries to talk to them because a couple of times they just tell Kiibo he doesn't deserve to date Ouma because he's a robot and Kiibo just gets really sad and hurt for a few days," he explained.

Kaede' mouth formed a small 'o' and she nodded in understanding before turning her attention back to the couple. She had a small smile on her face. "You know Ouma must really love him then. We should go talk to them and let them know we're on their side!" She suggested, grabbing Amami's wrist and dragging him along before he had any time to protest.

Once Ouma had felt a shadow hanging over him, he frowned and looked up to see Kaede and Amami smiling nervously at him.

"Hey Ouma," Kaede spoke up carefully, not wanting to get off on the wrong foot with Ouma.

"Hi Kaede....Amami," Ouma stated softly, trying to figure out why the pair had wanted to talk to him in the first place.

They stood there in a type of awkward silence until Kaede felt Amami nudge her. "A-Ahh! Right! We umm. We wanted to let you know that we both support yours and Kiibo's relationship a lot and we can help you guys out as much as you can!" She spoke up.

Ouma stared up at the two in confusion, blinking rapidly as if that would somehow make anything more sense able. "Umm. That's nice? I don't understand what you mean?"

"No worries, Ouma. It's quite simple. Since you are very popular in the looks department with both males and females, lots of people are mad that you would decided to settle for someone like Kiibo and-" Kaede was cut off by Amami slapping his hand over her mouth.

"You don't just say something like that!" He hissed at her.

"So what you're saying is that...you think I should break up with Kiibo because he's not human?" Ouma spoke up after a short while, his brows knitting together and his eyes holding nothing but frustration. If it wasn't for the sleeping boy on his lap, Kaede was sure he would have punched her by now.

She shoved Amami's hand off of her and shook her head. "No no that's not what I meant! I meant that, we think it's really sweet that you don't care about what people say about you guys being together and that you must really love Kiibo if you go through such extents to keep him safe from all that stuff."

The four stayed in a type of silence. It wasn't awkward or anything because Kaede and Amami both noticed how Ouma tensed up at the statement and found it intriguing as to what was going on in his mind at the moment.

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