11. One and the Same

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Kokichi Ouma hated Kiibo Iidabashi.

The boy didn't know how else to describe it except that Kiibo was perfect, and he didn't mean that in an endearing way. It absolutely annoyed Kokichi that Kiibo suddenly transferred to his school only a month ago, but he was suddenly loved by everyone there. No matter how nerve wracking it was, it did make sense though. Kiibo was basically a kiss ass in Kokichi's opinion. The white haired male always went out of his way to help others and never asked for anything in return. If a person that Kiibo didn't even know was in some type of distress, he would still help them out of the kindness of his heart. He'd help teachers with some errands. Heck, Kiibo was even excelling in his studies. He always got perfect scores on quizzes and exams, and did every homework assignment flawlessly. Everyone had treated Kiibo as if he had been part of the school since the first day of the school year.

But he wasn't, and Kokichi hated it.

Kokichi was the complete opposite of Kiibo, and that's why he envied the white haired male so much. Everybody hated Kokichi. Well, hate might be an overstatement, but it sure didn't feel like it to him. He's been around the same group of students since he was a child, but they all stayed away from him. Kokichi was always alone, but that's because everyone knew about his situation.

The purple haired male couldn't quite explain it well, but to sum it up, his parents were known as dangerous criminals. They were once caught up in a lot of sketchy stuff, and when they were busted, they were taken to jail and left Kokichi behind. Naturally, Kokichi was taken to an orphanage and was enrolled to the school district that he currently attends. Everyone in the area knew about Kokichi's parents, so no one dared to get near him or even consider taking him in. The purple haired male became accustomed to shutting himself in his room after school and doing whatever he wanted, which was basically nothing. It was a depressing cycle that the boy unfortunately got used to. He made several attempts to show others that he really wasn't a bad person, but they all just shrugged him off and believed he was lying. Things such as 'he's just trying to get close to you so he can rob you' or 'he's just trying to charm you just like his parents did to their victims' and much worse, were things he grow accustomed to. Nevertheless, the boy still persisted in gaining the trust of people. That is, until one day everything went south.

Kokichi was probably fourteen years-old when it happened. One of his classmates had approached him and asked him to meet up with him for lunch. The taller purple haired male seemed to friendly and inviting, so of course Kokichi agreed. He was ecstatic that someone even wanted to talk to him. When lunch came around, the boy, known as Kaito Momota, introduced Kokichi to his group of friends and they all got along. Kokichi was starting to feel as if he finally had a place where he belong. As days turned into weeks, Kokichi got to know Kaito and his friends a bit more. Rantaro Amami, Ryoma Hoshi, and Kaito's girlfriend, Maki Harukawa, were all part of the group. He began to trust them. How could he not? They'd never done anything bad to him. They seemed accepting and didn't look like they cared about his past. In fact, they had never once brought it up. It was strange, but Kokichi thought that this was finally the turning point in his life where people started to forget about the things that his parents did. That was all he really needed. He finally felt like he was a normal kid like everyone else.

Well, that's what he thought. One day, Kaito asked him to meet them in the boys locker room after school. It was an innocent request that Kokichi thought nothing of. They'd met at the locker rooms after school before, so he did as he was asked. However, when he got there, the boys were nowhere to be found. It was slightly concerning, but Kokichi just figured that kaito was being caught up with some stuff. He wasn't the best student at school anyways.

After about a whole hour, Kokichi figured that the school was empty and he should probably go home. He was reluctant to do so, but he figured he could just explain what happened to Kaito next day. Maybe the boy never asked him to meet up after school. Kokichi really started to think that he was starting to lose it.

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